HCG During cycle or PCT?


New Member
I have been planning my first cycle for quite some time now. I am now looking to plan out my PCT before starting my cycle. At first i had only heard of HCG being used for pct. It seems now that HCG for pct is old school and the way to go now is HCG during cycle. From what i understand it makes sense to do it during your cycle.
@Colt44 Yea i just dont know exactly what it is yet... is it for cycle or for pct? Looking for any input , preference, experiences, theories maybe differences if someone has done both
Tons of theories on this subject. Imho i feel its best to prevent or reduce testicular atrophy rather attempt to treat it after the fact. So using enough on cycle to reduce TA seems to be a solid option, particularly when hCG also assists in a smooth transition towards recovery when used on cycle.
@Colt44 Yea i just dont know exactly what it is yet... is it for cycle or for pct? Looking for any input , preference, experiences, theories maybe differences if someone has done both
Can be used both on cycle and pct. Usually for first cycle you may not even need it but i would keep Some on hand just in case you do happen experience any testicular atrophy.
Personally I like to blast it post cycle. I don't mind testicular atrophy myself. I only had one time that my nuts really shrunk bad anyway. To each his own. If you use it during a cycle your sending your body mixed signals. One to start production and then with exogenous test to turn off production. I'd say try it each way and find out.
anyone know where i can get some bac water
A bunch of places sell it, pretty much any place that sells Pins.
Like Medical supply, I'll give you one.............................. JP
If you use a lot of BA water you can make your own.
You just need to get some Benzyl Alcohol.
A small bottle of BA makes a Shit Load of BA water.

  1. To make 10 mL of bacteriostatic water, you need 9 units of benzyl alcohol (0.09 mL). To make 30 mL of bacteriostatic water, you need 27 units of benzyl alcohol (0.27 mL). To make 100 mL of bacteriostatic water, you need 90 units of benzyl alcohol (0.9 mL).
