HCG Help

I have not been on steroids but a doctor put me on klonopin and i had some other meds that my endo claimed shut down my pituitary which in turn killed my testosterone and libido. My last shot before going to a pellet treatment is the hcg shots. I was using the recommended 175iu a day but didnt feel as if it was adequate so i used 400 iu yesterday and plan to go to 500iu twice a week until my bottle is out. I really havnt noticed anything yet but i have only been on it since last friday. What dosage do yall recommend for using hcg as a stand alone test to see if i really am hypogonadal or if i can get back to normal??? When should i start noticing changes? I figured morning woods would be back by now at least after a week?? Oh yes, i am 33 years old and otherwise healthy except for gerd. Thanks, any advice will help
Gonna be hard for most to give advice for your perticular situation, posting blood work before u started HCG would be a start for more experienced members to help....

Don't know about particular medication/medications your on -- but a lot of pain meds/medicines can affect testosterone levels.... so I'd have to ask have you stopped taking all suspected medications?

Also it sounds like your doing the right thing and talking with an endo... and if he came up with a plan /dosage... I would stick with his plan and dosage.... he will be able to help you better than most ........
..... I'm sure if op is not a troll he appreciates your help.

So tell me how a benzodiazepine absolutely couldn't cause libido problems?

Also there's usually more to ed than t levels, despite what commercials spoon feed us inbetween episodes of family guy:)
..... I'm sure if op is not a troll he appreciates your help.

So tell me how a benzodiazepine absolutely couldn't cause libido problems?

Also there's usually more to ed than t levels, despite what commercials spoon feed us inbetween episodes of family guy:)

The OP explicitly says Klonopin lead to low testosterone. I know of no studies that prove such. Opioid drugs can have this effect, but they function completely differently from benzodiazepines. Further, benzodiazepines are preferred drugs now over 50 years because they have relatively few side effects.

All of this is based on therapeutic dosages. Klonopin is not widely abused, so I am assuming that is not an issue here. But if he was taking 10mg a day of Xanax, all bets are off the table.
Op says klonopin and "other drugs" "killed testosterone and libido" as reported by endo.

"Other drugs" what are they and why the op didn't feel it necessary to report (usually people like to keep secrets)

Klonopin is a benzodiazepine, known as clonazepam can cause erectile dysfunction.

Go to google type in: clonazepam and erectile dysfunction

To easy:)

Testosterone and Ed are not the same, and should be treated as such.

Wanna see go to google and type in: testosterone and ed

To easy :)

Ed is most often low blood flow to the penis, but there are sooooo many things that can cause it..... he'll he's on anxiety medication, ever try to fuck a Bitch with anxiety...... me neither sounds hard to do:)
It's been my understanding that the risk of erectile dysfunction is much lower than SSRIs. But, that's not what this is about. Do benzos decrease baseline testosterone? I can't find any studies that indicate that.

As for sex on these drugs - alcohol binds to the same receptors, and has been a big part of sex for thousands of years...
Why are you stuck on do benzodiazepines lower testosterone? lol

You seem to have some reading comprehension problems, and perhaps even madness. This is a discussion forum. The discussion at hand is about a particular person, neither you nor I, who claims clonazepam lowered his testosterone and/or resulted in ED. I have conceded that perhaps the latter is possible, though I doubt the former.
OP quote:

"I have not been on steroids but a doctor put me on klonopin and i had some other meds that my endo claimed shut down my pituitary which in turn killed my testosterone andlibido."

Pay special attention to "AND I HAD OTHER MEDS THAT MY ENDO CLAIMED"

Pay special attention to "killed my testosterone & LIBIDO"

My quote:

"Don't know about particular medication/medications your on -- but a lot of pain meds/medicines can affect testosterone levels.... so I'd have to ask have you stopped taking all suspected medications?


1.)low T
2.) ED

My question was how can u say kolonopin is not his problem?

Your response was show me a study showing kolonopin lowers testosterone levels.

Once again low T is usually not the only thing going on with libido....

Once again he has two problems

Once again how do you know kolonopin is not his problem?

I believe I was being very civil, when in fact it is you with a comprehension problem---

1.)low T
2.) ED

My question was how can u say kolonopin is not his problem?

Your response was show me a study showing kolonopin lowers testosterone levels.

Once again low T is usually not the only thing going on with libido....

Once again he has two problems

Once again how do you know kolonopin is not his problem?

I believe I was being very civil, when in fact it is you with a comprehension problem---

I have already conceded that klonopin may be the cause of erectile dysfunction, despite the incidence rate being less than SSRIs.

I'm not sure what you're looking for. Are you expecting me to apologize because I did not write a through post the first time around?

You perhaps are being more civil than many others on Meso, but you are being pedantic and requesting one do something impossible (prove a negative, logic 101).