HCG post cycle


New Member
I've been reading through the FAQs and articles and have a question for those that subscribe to the "HCG at the end of a cycle" theory. I know there are those that believe HCG during cycle is better but I'm learning one thing at a time :)

From the Stickys:
Pheezer: "Optimally you want to recover from testicular atrophy and have testosterone suppression end corresponding with the time that natural testosterone production comes back online."
Pheezer: "You want to end the hcg the same time the Test clears your system"

At what point is this? When does suppression end?
I put Pheezer's cycle #1 in the attached spreadsheet. If you follow the protocol for PCT that puts the last day of HCG administration when synthetic Test levels are at about 240. Do you consider the Test "cleared" when its levels are at or below (some percentage of) your pre-cycle endogenous Test levels? I'm sure it doesn't mean wait until they reach 0 but it must be related to the pre-cycle levels.

I think the vets are right- you have to play with this stuff and crunch the numbers in order to fully understand. The FAQs and articles are a great starting point!

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I've always just treated the HCG the same a another injection. So, for example I am using cyp right now. I will start my HCG therapy one week after my last cyp injection and run it for three weeks. I know that during that three week period the cyp levels will fall to a non-threatening level. My natural T will have plenty of time to build before the cyp tapers out and also before I come off the HCG completely.
I am one who uses hcg as a weekly maintenance dose during my entire cycle..I increase my dosage of hgh at end of cycle timed with last shot of test.
That's the recommended procedure for long ester Test, 8-12 week cycles but I'm
trying to understand the math behind it. If I understand Pheezer's posts correctly that prodedure is based on the time it takes for the Test to clear. So, for example, a cycle of Prop would clear faster. You'd have to adjust the HCG procedure. Correct?
pretty much. you just don't want to run out of test before you start producing your own. HCG is suppressive just like external test because it forces the testes into producing huge amounts of T and E. So, basically you want to run it just long enough to get the testes working again; and then get off. The real recovery begins with the SERMS. That is what keeps you operating naturally once the external test adn HCG have left your system.
HCG only helps to speed the recovery process by helping the testes recovery from the atrophy that they experience during a cycle; that is why there are so many different ways of using it.
Ok, i received the nolva from research chemists online. It is a big vial with an eye dropper. I geuss it is for sublingual use? It looks really fake. Can you use it SL? It is 20mg/ml and there is 60 ml.
streetdaddy said:
Ok, i received the nolva from research chemists online. It is a big vial with an eye dropper. I geuss it is for sublingual use? It looks really fake. Can you use it SL? It is 20mg/ml and there is 60 ml.
I hate people that high jack threads.. this is hcg thread I don't see anywhere saying nova go make your own thread

streetdaddy said:
Don't be a dick handsome. Just a question. Chill.

im not being a dick. Just take into consideration what happens if it was you and i came in and change the subject on the thread you created... I dontt think thats right....

You could of pm or post a new thread...
Re: cycle

bhandsome562 said:
im not being a dick. Just take into consideration what happens if it was you and i came in and change the subject on the thread you created... I dontt think thats right....

You could of pm or post a new thread...

He did.... within a minute of making that post. That is why I replied to the thread he made and not this post. But now you have effectively high-jacked this HCG thread by making it about high-jacking threads.

Now ladies please ;)
dennis said:
I am one who uses hcg as a weekly maintenance dose during my entire cycle..I increase my dosage of hgh at end of cycle timed with last shot of test.

I would do the same thing but split it up more. If I ran a 3 month cycle I would approx run 2-3 small hcg cycles throughout depending how much product i had. I also found that taking clomid/nolva throught helped keeping the boys run better.
bmf said:
I would do the same thing but split it up more. If I ran a 3 month cycle I would approx run 2-3 small hcg cycles throughout depending how much product i had. I also found that taking clomid/nolva throught helped keeping the boys run better.
What would be the HCG and Clomid/Novaldex protocol that you run?
Re: cycle

van-man said:
He did.... within a minute of making that post. That is why I replied to the thread he made and not this post. But now you have effectively high-jacked this HCG thread by making it about high-jacking threads.

Now ladies please ;)