hcg questions


Well-known Member
So i have read a lot about hcg and i have found a lot about restoring sperm and testicular size after stopping testosterone or preserving it from the begining. I am looking for info specifically on its effectiveness after shutdown and staying on.
I have founds a lot of info, but almost all of it were cases where the patient either used it from early on or stopped using test then started hcg.
I found very little discussing its effectiveness of starting it after being shutdown and staying on test.
Do you have to stop using test if you are shutdown, for it to be effective?

Unless ive misunderstood your question (reducing testicular atrophy) the answer is right in front of you with every single AAS user and TRT patient that has chosen to include hCG are part of their treatment program. 99% of AAS users and TRT patients experience TA. hCG has been proven to at least reduce TA and assist in maintaining testicular function.
Unless ive misunderstood your question (reducing testicular atrophy) the answer is right in front of you with every single AAS user and TRT patient that has chosen to include hCG are part of their treatment program. 99% of AAS users and TRT patients experience TA. hCG has been proven to at least reduce TA and assist in maintaining testicular function.

Possibly misunderstood, or i havent dug up the studies i want to find specifically.

The ones on trt patients that were only on test for lets say a year, that wanted to reduce TA were told by their doc to stop trt for a period of time and start hcg.

The trt patients who wanted to maintain size of their nuts from the begining used it early on.

The long term aas users have also been using it with strong pct to reduce TA

The normal cycle guys start around 8-10 weeks into their cycle before they are shutdown.

I found a ton of info and success stories on these. I have not found much on long term test users that started hcg while staying on test and are already shutdown. And this is what i was looking for. I think it would be about the same, just havent been able to find it.
I still dont understand. TRT patients who are cared for by a health professional have usually exhausted all other avenues ex; clomid, hCG..ect, before resorting to TRT. The idea is to eliminate any potential restart or increase of endogenous testosterone before introducing exogenous testosterone to reach desired levels.

Therefore including hCG with TRT should, and often does, reduce any TA that may occur. Thais has been documented in many TRT and AAS users on almost every bb'ing forum and men's health forum i have visited.

Am i still confused? I apologize if im not understanding the entire scope of your question.
I still dont understand. TRT patients who are cared for by a health professional have usually exhausted all other avenues ex; clomid, hCG..ect, before resorting to TRT. The idea is to eliminate any potential restart or increase of endogenous testosterone before introducing exogenous testosterone to reach desired levels.

Therefore including hCG with TRT should, and often does, reduce any TA that may occur. Thais has been documented in many TRT and AAS users on almost every bb'ing forum and men's health forum i have visited.

Am i still confused? I apologize if im not understanding the entire scope of your question.

Your absolutely correct.

Yes maybe i should explain myself differently.

I have been on test for 8 months. I just finished the cruise portion and started a blast. During this time the size of the guys has reduced by about 30% and semen volume by about 50%. Would it be usefull to start hcg now without changing my blast dose or do i need to stop it all together and run a strong pct? << This is the question i need answered it seems as though everyone elses started at an earlier time or they stopped aas use before starting.

Increasing fertility is my end goal and yes i am getting it checked thursday to see where i stand. I am just trying to get my plans straight since my previous one has been changed by my wife deciding not to wait until fall to stop birth control.
Just my opinion but unless your shooting for pregnancy right now just leave the hcg alone. Unless TA is a big deal for you. Hcg tells your testes to turn on and the AAs tells it to turn off. Just my opinion. It's kind of a waste as far as I know.
I am trying for pregnacy at the end of the month she will stop taking bc.

Just my opinion but unless your shooting for pregnancy right now just leave the hcg alone. Unless TA is a big deal for you. Hcg tells your testes to turn on and the AAs tells it to turn off. Just my opinion. It's kind of a waste as far as I know.

Docd you have answered my question the best so far. And yes coming off appears to be the most effective. But whats your opinion of its effectivness on staying on? Will it be a big waste or just not as good?

Im getting checked on thursday but the initial test only tells above or below 20million. If its less than i will have the full check done but this one is inexpensive and fast. I used to have a very high count about 4 years ago when we had our first and as soon as she stopped taking her pills she was pregnant.

It's obviously going to help matters in regards to fertility if you come off but that's not to say it's impossible while on. Many people conceive kids while on.
I know several guys I've met from the boards who've had kids while on and no HCG. I would think HCG would help even while on just not as effective if you weren't on cycle.
Just to piggyback on Doc's answer and attempt to answer your question, "Would it be usefull to start hcg now without changing my blast dose or do i need to stop it all together and run a strong pct?" Yes it certainly would be useful to begin hCG now. If you begin hCG now you will not only reduce TA by maintaining testicular function, but also promote a smoother transition towards your recovery at the end of the month. And hCG has other benefits as well including brain function which should not be ignored. 250iu 2 to 3 times per wk or 500iu twice per week should be sufficient, imho. But this will have to be explored by you and recorded.
I know several guys I've met from the boards who've had kids while on and no HCG. I would think HCG would help even while on just not as effective if you weren't on cycle.

This is what im thinking just looking for some hard evidence. I have found some things that suggested it but they were vague and the study was directed at the other situations.

Hopefully thursday ill get some good news on the test and stop worrying myself. I still plan on starting hcg soon and get a full blood panel done asap so i can make sure everything is in check.

Whats some of the longest periods those guys were on? I know people can remain fertile for quite some time with no additives.
Just to piggyback on Doc's answer and attempt to answer your question, "Would it be usefull to start hcg now without changing my blast dose or do i need to stop it all together and run a strong pct?" Yes it certainly would be useful to begin hCG now. If you begin hCG now you will not only reduce TA by maintaining testicular function, but also promote a smoother transition towards your recovery at the end of the month. And hCG has other benefits as well including brain function which should not be ignored. 250iu 2 to 3 times per wk or 500iu twice per week should be sufficient, imho. But this will have to be explored by you and recorded.

Thanks i like that answer lol thats the one i was hoping for. At the end of the month its my wife who is stopping birth control. I dont plan on stopping but if fertility test come back very low or zero after other attempts to raise it, I will take the route of a strong pct. But if all goes well the test will be good. The TA just recently happened and happened quick, but doesnt seem to be progressing any. so i think thats a good thing, better than having been shut down this whole time
Just an update went to the doc with my wife last thursday when i got home. She asked if it had been atleast 48 hours since my last ejaculation. Before i could speak my wife laughed so fucking hard and said with him no, he better take that test at work cause i know better when he is home. So after some akward laughter she says well look this first test is just basically an at home test. Take it with you and follow these directions. If it comes back negative meaning less than 20 million come back and we will test further.

Well good news is i passed! So its atleast normal. It must have been pretty high before. Any ways i will still be incorperating hcg as planned and as i should have already.