HCG Vial or pre filled syringes


Well-known Member
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

What are YALL doing with the Hcg mix? Putting it in a sterile vial and pulling for a jab when needed..... Or pre loading some syringes and keeping in the fridge?

Storing in box should be room temp, or better yet in a fridge. But after it is reconstituted with Bacteriostatic water it has a life span of 60 days provided it's stored in the fridge. ( Some say it's only good for 30 days after mixing, depends on manufacture, person asking, and the likely hood of the Hcg being subjected to water,moisture,sunlight, and air.

With that being said and wanting to keep it as fresh as possible.....

And what's needle of choice? Insulin syringe 1/2Ml 29g 1/2" .....?
through research it says that plastic can absorb the Hcg in the plunger not allowing full dose to be administered.

So I'm just gonna transfer it from a amp into a sterile vile, and store in the fridge... Even though my thinking is pre filled syringes is less chance of contamination with air.
Guess I'm overthinking this shit, cause I was fixing to get into wether or not summer shipping was harmful to keeping potency and wether we should stock up in cooler weather, or faster ship times.

Over thinking
I hate to admit it, but I didn't know those articles where there..... Would much rather read meso home page articles than the misleading & contradicting Internet.

Assuming since Roberts was very concerned with keeping the vials clean and sterile, that even if the plunger didn't absorb the Hcg like articles have suggested, it wouldn't be worth the risk to pre fill syringes.

But he kinda validated my other concern of shipping temps.... Prolly not best time to order in Heat of summer.

I was planning on just jabbing Hcg at end of cycle- leading up to Pct. But reading that article is making me reconsider running it through out cycle.
Temperature extremes are best avoided with respect to peptides or poly-peptides as the DRIED contents may be exposed to water thru condensation.