Heating testosterone, degradation?


New Member
For the past 3 months I’ve been heating up a small amount of water in a coffee mug for 90 seconds in the microwave then putting my test vials in there while I prep for injection. My question is, will heating my testosterone and other compounds repeatedly cause degradation of the medication? I’ve had suspicions when the FEELZ were off and I started looking a little less “full” (go ahead and crucify me lol). Nothing in the diet and protocol has changed with exception to the heating of the vials prior to injection.
I'm going to go against the common wisdom here, and I heated my test for years.

If the vial stopper is perfectly sealed, there's no issue. The temps involved won't damage the ingredients.

But if it's a crappy stopper, or been degraded by 10 to 22 piercings, there's a good chance some the Benzyl Alcohol is evaporating off. Enough to matter? Probably not. The bigger issue is if something can get out something can get in. So now when the vial cools it's going to suck in moisture rich house air (from the humid place you just heated water in), while pulling in whatever microscopic crap is on the top if you aren't in the habit of sanitizing it with each use.

I assume you're warming it up to make the drawing and injecting process easier and less painful.

I tweaked my process to avoid the need to heat, and haven't had to in years, making an injection less of hassle in the process, while still being painless.

What are you using to inject?
I heat mine with just tap water on the hot setting. Does make drawing it easier. I haven't felt any difference.
I just use a coffee mug warmer.
turn it on and set the vials on it, go shower, come back and pin after i get out of the shower.

doesnt sit on it long enough to get super hot. Ive seen no difference between my bloodwork or anecdotal feels between heating or not heating
I just use a coffee mug warmer.
turn it on and set the vials on it, go shower, come back and pin after i get out of the shower.

doesnt sit on it long enough to get super hot. Ive seen no difference between my bloodwork or anecdotal feels between heating or not heating
I wonder if a candle warmer would work ?
Ok I will stick with hot water. I just have candle warmers around the house thought maybe I could pull the candle off quick. Water is quite fast so I won't bother.
I know most people heating the vial, but me personally i'm trying to avoid it. I just don't like the idea of getting heat it dozens of times. So, heating the syringe with a hairdryer worked fine for me when i was using castor oil. Now with GSO and MCT i don't heat it at all..
You're fine to heat it. Look at Table 3 of this paper -- 80 C for 48 hours with no degradation.

You can actually put most vials in the microwave. The arcing phenomenon is caused by thermally excited electrons that become too crowded and repel one another. Crimped vials tend to be smooth surfaces, so there's never a place where they get piled up and can't just keep moving around normally. I put mine in the microwave for 30 seconds all the time.
You're fine to heat it. Look at Table 3 of this paper -- 80 C for 48 hours with no degradation.

You can actually put most vials in the microwave. The arcing phenomenon is caused by thermally excited electrons that become too crowded and repel one another. Crimped vials tend to be smooth surfaces, so there's never a place where they get piled up and can't just keep moving around normally. I put mine in the microwave for 30 seconds all the time.
Might that cause an accidental overdose of gamma radiation?
I'm going to go against the common wisdom here, and I heated my test for years.

If the vial stopper is perfectly sealed, there's no issue. The temps involved won't damage the ingredients.

But if it's a crappy stopper, or been degraded by 10 to 22 piercings, there's a good chance some the Benzyl Alcohol is evaporating off. Enough to matter? Probably not. The bigger issue is if something can get out something can get in. So now when the vial cools it's going to suck in moisture rich house air (from the humid place you just heated water in), while pulling in whatever microscopic crap is on the top if you aren't in the habit of sanitizing it with each use.

I assume you're warming it up to make the drawing and injecting process easier and less painful.

I tweaked my process to avoid the need to heat, and haven't had to in years, making an injection less of hassle in the process, while still being painless.

What are you using to inject?
I like the reasoning but it’s flawed

First-A lot of people “vent” when heating with a needle. I’m not one of those people
Second-when brewing, the compound is filtered when warm. This requires the solution to be still heated while in open air. The BA is most commonly added last so it endures the least time through the heating process. This is to reduce the chance of evaporation but really BA in an oil solution doesn’t evaporate as easily as many think.

The problem is with the constant heating since heat degrades the raws.
I inject daily and have to heat daily for about 6-8 weeks of cooler months (what many call winter lol) since I brew slightly higher concentrations then standard.
I think the warming is close to negligible but I’m still careful to not overheat. Overheating over and over has to have and effect. So I would recommend care when heating
I like the reasoning but it’s flawed

First-A lot of people “vent” when heating with a needle. I’m not one of those people
Second-when brewing, the compound is filtered when warm. This requires the solution to be still heated while in open air. The BA is most commonly added last so it endures the least time through the heating process. This is to reduce the chance of evaporation but really BA in an oil solution doesn’t evaporate as easily as many think.

The problem is with the constant heating since heat degrades the raws.
I inject daily and have to heat daily for about 6-8 weeks of cooler months (what many call winter lol) since I brew slightly higher concentrations then standard.
I think the warming is close to negligible but I’m still careful to not overheat. Overheating over and over has to have and effect. So I would recommend care when heating

I wasn't going to get into heat degrading the test esters. It may happen, to a degree. but once in oil it's no longer exposed to oxygen that's a key ingredient in the degeneration process. I suspect raws brewed into the oxygen free environment of oil, along with BB, are better preserved than before they're brewed. This came up in a discussion with someone who thought his raws were degrading about whether it was better for long term storage to brew all the raws immediately or not.

The issue I'm discussing pertains to stopper quality. Especially poor, easily cored out stoppers like the one QSC has used. Warm the vial to any degree and the contents will expand, with gas of whatever, BA or air, escaping through any available opening. When it cools, it'll suck air back through that opening, which is likely humid air, and pulling in contaminants that are lying on the top of the stoppers. Repeat this 20 times for a TRT vial, and there's a good chance you're
introducing some level of contamination.

Like I said, if you're warming it's because something else in your injection process is off, and there are ways around it eliminating the need to heat.

Like using an ultra-thin walled syringe, same gauge but 50% more flow, as an example.

For me, skipping the whole warming process is just a time saver, when you're talking about several times a week. That was my main motivation to figure out how to eliminate from my injecting ritual, avoiding the other potential issues was a bonus.
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Someone else already mentioned this. I draw up whatever i'm using with a larger needle on a luer lock syringe then swap tips and wrap that in a warming pad on low while i shower. So you're only warming up what you'll be using immediately.
I use a multi dispense top on mine. So I remove the needle and attach the luer lock to that to draw. Much easier to draw with less air bubbles and such.
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Might that cause an accidental overdose of gamma radiation?
Lmao dude. Gamma radiation doesn’t even come from a nuclear bomb. Thats the type of radiation that is cosmic. I.e- death of a star.

Microwaves are lower frequency EMF waves than visible light. So, you’re more likely to harm your gear by placing it in sunlight.
MCT oil based gear.

Use a vented spike.

Gear pulls like water into syringe, through luer lock, no bubbles, no vacuum resistance,

Attach BD Precisionglide thin walled needle which has inner diameter the same as one gauge larger for a fast injection. It's also much more comfortable than your trash Chinese needles.

Recover all the time wasted messing around with heating your gear and money on swapping needles.



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