Hello, and I have some useful info

Hi Everyone,

I have been a member here for almost 5 years now, since I started getting into gear. I learned a lot over the years, even set powerlifting records, but never had much reason to post.

I used to be able to at least DM people and sources, but I don't have that privelege anymore, yet I feel I have some information relevant to the recent QSC drama that some members might find useful. My intention isn't to break the rules, but I'm posting this here out of a desire to help.

I ordered HGH 36iu, BPC 20mg, and Reta 20mg, and some kits of test C from the QSC Black Friday promo.

I never received the kits of Test C, but I did receive my peptides and was able to confirm some things with Tracy before he went dark.

The HGH 36iu kits have purple tops and are A023, as other members have shared. This is certain and confirmed by Tracy.

Despite not receiving the Tes C kits, Tracy told me what the sku on those; verbatim, his message was "BB002-1kit=test c". So I can't say if the '-1kit' part is actually part of the sku or it was a typo, but members can hopefully at least check for BB002 on their oils to confirm test C if thats what they ordered.

I also received 4 kits of peptides, which was a pleasant surprise, as I though those got hit since they arrived after the HGH.

My original order was 2 kits of Reta 20mg and 2 kits of BPC-157 20mg.

I received 4 kits, 2 with orange tops and 2 with yellow tops.

The skus on the kits are longer than on the HGH kits, and I think have some clues to identify what they are.

The 2 yellow tops kits have SKU A091B1-20. I suspect these are the BPC157 20mg kits.
The other 2 orange kits are sku A044RTLT-20 which I suspect are the Reta 20mg kits.

I suspect this because the "B1-20" and the "RTLT-20" parts of the sku numbers seem to imply BPC157 20mg and RetaTrutide 20mg resepectivelg. This would make sense, but obviously it is not for certain.

One confounding issue is that with the Reta kits, Tracy had told me he was out if the 20mg kits and was going to send me 4x10mg kits. So really I was expecting 6 kits in total. But being familiar with how QSC operates after many orders with them, I feel like after he said that, Tracy then noticed they did have 2 kits of Reta 20mg left, and so thats why I only received a total of 4 kits... and again, the 20 in both SKU numbets, to me, seems to imply 20mg for all these kits.

So for other members having trouble identifying some of their items, maybe they will find cross-referencing what I have here helpful and can sort this out.

Anyway, nice to meet you all, and again, I apologize if I broke the rules. I don't want to be banned for trying to do this kindness, but even if I am, just know I was trying to help, as I have already decided to proceed as if I have these identified accurately.

Thanks everyone. Have a good day!