Hello everyone, I'm new to this platform, interested in competitive bodybuilding and need some tips and supplements for my cycle.


New Member
Hello everyone, I'm new to this platform, interested in competitive bodybuilding and need some tips and supplements for my cycle.
Hello bro!

I’m relatively new here and also I’m at my first cycle. I just can only share my plan after days of research on this site. You’ll find everything you need, just be patient and know what to search for.

So my first 12 weeks cycle Sustanon+Tbol:

Week 1-7: Sust 250 twice/week

Week 8: Sust 250 + 30mg Tbol

Week 9-10: Sust 250 + 40mg Tbol (20 morning + 20 1 hour before gym)

Week 11: Sust 250 + 30mg Tbol

Week 12: Sust 250 + 20mg Tbol

1 Week after last Sustanon pin -> 2000 Ui HCG every 3 day for 14 days

1 week after last HCG start Clomid & Nolva:

-250mg Clomid and 60 mg Nolvadex first day
-100 mg Clomid and 40 Nolvadex for 10 days
-50 mg Clomid and 20 mg Nolvadex for 10 days

I use hepato-protector (LIV52) & fish oil omega3 every day
I have done my blood tests before starting, planing to do another one after 4 weeks and than at the end.

If anyone reads this and have suggestions please write them.

Have a nice day!✌️
my biggest tip would be to put training and diet as #1, not the gear. Yes it’s part of the game but don’t rely on it as the sole source of how you’re going to look come competition day
my biggest tip would be to put training and diet as #1, not the gear. Yes it’s part of the game but don’t rely on it as the sole source of how you’re going to look come competition day
diet and training are
spot on, but I think it's time to upgrade using PEDs I have training for about 5 years, I want to compete

Ikona »Potrdila skupnost«
Well obviously, competitive bodybuilding isn’t a level playing field without ped’s, so at least you’re aware enough of that
i wouldnt say any sport is a level playingfield, the genetic wonders will always come out ontop