Hello Meso World


New Member
Bonsoir I'm Ziguezon, 31, from Quebec, Canada. Hockey fanatic, enjoyer of humor, gaming and of course AAS.

I used to own a forum that teaches people photoshop when I was a kid, This forum gave me nostalgia as it does seem to be a close knit community who enjoy having fun.

Looking forward to discussing experiences, learning and having some pleasant conversations.
Thanks for the ASL
Why not tell us about how jacked you are / want to be? That would be way more cool.
I am also to an enjoyer of humor. Can you tell me a joke?
I consider my overall peak was before peds, 6'3 270 pounds 17%bf
315/500/500 bench/deadlift/squat.

Now I have experience with most compounds. After a hiatus of a few years I am now losing bodyfat to get ready for my first full blown blast.

No jokes in mind atm but lookup MSSP if you enjoy podcasts.