Help! High prolactin clinic wants me on new med


So my bloodwork results are here. My prolactin is up. I have a fair bit of water retention and swelling. Also having some shoulder and hip mobility and range of motion decrease. My clinic wants me on cabergoline for a month. I am not sure what had caused this though and they don't seem to have an answer either. They want me to take an extra .5 of Anastrozole to lower my E more since my nipples have grown and are sensative. Apart from that, not sure what is causing the prolactin to jump so much.

I am on Test, Anastrozole, Gonadorelin and Semaglutide.


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So my bloodwork results are here. My prolactin is up. I have a fair bit of water retention and swelling. Also having some shoulder and hip mobility and range of motion decrease. My clinic wants me on cabergoline for a month. I am not sure what had caused this though and they don't seem to have an answer either. They want me to take an extra .5 of Anastrozole to lower my E more since my nipples have grown and are sensative. Apart from that, not sure what is causing the prolactin to jump so much.

I am on Test, Anastrozole, Gonadorelin and Semaglutide.

You got a lot of moving parts there brother. Sorry I can't be more help here, but please be sure to communicate with your doc edema and mobility issues etc
You got a lot of moving parts there brother. Sorry I can't be more help here, but please be sure to communicate with your doc edema and mobility issues etc
Im considering stopping the Gonadorelin, the half life is so short it seems useless. I do want to do a month run of HcG though. I figured doing that a few times a year should help the fertility. But cutting out Gonadorelin which seems like it serves no purpose. Other than that it seems I should just lower the estro and see if it helps. Just wanted some advice or experiences of others who may have had this happen or something similar
Im considering stopping the Gonadorelin, the half life is so short it seems useless. I do want to do a month run of HcG though. I figured doing that a few times a year should help the fertility. But cutting out Gonadorelin which seems like it serves no purpose. Other than that it seems I should just lower the estro and see if it helps. Just wanted some advice or experiences of others who may have had this happen or something similar

I didn't realize you were trying to make babies. There are some other guys on here who have had success with hcg & hmg protocols (on cycle or TRT or PCT?). Maybe @T&H @SkankHunt
not sure what is causing the prolactin to jump so much.

I am on Test, Anastrozole, Gonadorelin and Semaglutide.
Gonadorelin can cause an increase in prolactin. And also stress or poor sleep.

They want me to take an extra .5 of Anastrozole to lower my E more since my nipples have grown and are sensative.
You have a good E2, so you don't need the extra A-dex.
Gonadorelin can cause an increase in prolactin. And also stress or poor sleep.

You have a good E2, so you don't need the extra A-dex.
I had no idea about that and Gonadorelin. Definitely going to stop taking it for now. For all I can tell it's utterly useless because of the half life. Thank you for the heads up on the prolactin and the sleep. I have insomnia as it is I don't need anymore contributing factors to a lack of sleep.
When were these labs taken in relation to your last pin?

Also I’d start using the sensitive LC/MS test for estrogen. Seems to be a more accurate reading.
I had no idea about that and Gonadorelin. Definitely going to stop taking it for now. For all I can tell it's utterly useless because of the half life. Thank you for the heads up on the prolactin and the sleep. I have insomnia as it is I don't need anymore contributing factors to a lack of sleep.
Gonadorelin stimulates the area of the brain next to the one that produces prolactin. Some cross-reaction may occur.