Help with cycle


New Member
so my cycle should have gone like this
Anadrol 50mg ed
Test e 500 e3d
Deca 300 mg ew
Didn't gain shit till around 4 week mark the abombs turned out to be shit from one of the best source on meso I complained and he sent replacements no question asked so I'm not going to put him on blast.
I'm at the tail end of this cycle I usually stop gaining at A round week 10 doesn't matter what I do tren, slin , deca so what I was wondering since my kick start turned out to be shit would I see any benefit in lowering my test to 300 mg and pinning tne/winni for the last few weeks@50/50 each? So my stats are
I eat what ever I want and don't gain fat I eat like a power lifter and stay around 10%12% year around.
Been lifting for 15 years
I have a shit load of Tne/winni
Also var is a option
Btw I blast and cruse the last 2 years so I'm not worried abou pct. my next Cruise will be 12 months long already have enoughpreloaded pins with test e @200mg.
Thanks for your input
Here are some factors to consider with respect to your UNDERLYING PROBLEM, diminishing gains while cycling!

1) YOUR AGE! It's a fact of life anabolic processes are slowed somewhere bt the age of 35-40

2) YOUR DIET- you may think you can eat whatever you like, and perhaps not increase TBF, but such a diet is quite likely to diminish gains

3) CRUISING - this is a common problem in those that "cruise" the need for ever increasing anabolic dosages to reach a new plateau

4) LITTLE ANAEROBIC EXERCISE, although difficult to quantify on an objective basis, AE seems to provide a different SKM stimuli and likely enhances SKM anabolism

5) "MUSCLE MEMORY" it's VERY important to change thing up in you wo routine or the metabolic "need"
for SKM will become limited.?

6) SORRY the specific type of AAS is quite unlikely to make ANY difference in SKM anabolism with a few potential caveats
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Here are some factors to consider with respect to your UNDERLYING PROBLEM, diminishing gains while cycling!

1) YOUR AGE! It's a fact of life anabolic processes are slowed somewhere bt the age of 35-40

2) YOUR DIET- you may think you can eat whatever you like, and perhaps not increase TBF, but such a diet is quite likely to diminish gains

3) CRUISING - this is a common problem in those that "cruise" the need for ever increasing anabolic dosages to reach a new plateau

4) LITTLE ANAEROBIC EXERCISE, although difficult to quantify on an objective basis, AE seems to provide a different SKM stimuli and likely enhances SKM anabolism

5) "MUSCLE MEMORY" it's VERY important to change thing up in you wo routine or the metabolic "need"
for SKM will become limited.?

6) SORRY the specific type of AAS is quite unlikely to make ANY difference in SKM anabolism with a few potential caveats
Thank you for your input Dr. Jim I was put on trt from the universal men's clinic and when I found out they wanted $3000 for there services I decided to use ugl and get blood work on my Cruise.bblood work comes in around 950 to 1150 total t level on 150mg of test e. I'm sorry I did state that I do AE I do In the form of jiu jitsu I really don't count that because its part of my life and i don't think about it as AE. So that's why I was going to take a year off with just trt. My baseline t level was 340 I want to say don't have my blood work in front of me. But I do appreciate your response @Dr.Jim
I've several patients in your age range and I can say wo reservation they all experience a similar gain limitation.

Retrospectively it seems, those who have the greatest difficulty are those who "cruise" bt cycles, excepting at legitimate TRT dosages, as you described.

In fact the difference can be quite remarkable but also more limited IN DURATION. This suggests a SHORTER cycle length may also prove worthwhile with more time "off" for recovery.

This is one reason essentially ALL pro-BB accept the fact "gains" of the past are really an unrealistic expectation beyond age 40, as it often reeks havoc on the joints and MAINTENANCE becomes their primary objective.

I really can't opine what the causation is exactly, except to say, DNA Is likely a major factor as DNA repairative mechanisms become more faulty with age.

The implications are relatively straightforward, more TIME must then be devoted toward correcting those DNA/RNA "anabolic" errors.

Now if one can uncover WHY the DNA/RNA replicative process becomes more defective with age, not only would you likely WIN almost every noble prize there is, but such a discovery would make you filthy RICH, and you would live long enough (forever theoretically) to enjoy those funds.

Of course there is one HUGE problem with such a discovery, a literal population explosion.

Sorry can't have it both ways, you know; "have your cake and eat it too" :)
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3) CRUISING - this is a common problem in those that "cruise" the need for ever increasing anabolic dosages to reach a new plateau
I have noticed this in the years since I went on trt. It seems I make the best gains when I blast, if I have been running a lower dose for trt, 125 mg ew. I would rather cruise on a higher dose, but like I said the blast doesn't seem to be as effective.
I have noticed this in the years since I went on trt. It seems I make the best gains when I blast, if I have been running a lower dose for trt, 125 mg ew. I would rather cruise on a higher dose, but like I said the blast doesn't seem to be as effective.
Is there any studies on long term supra physiological doses of test and cruising on like say 300mg test aw? Not that I'm going to do that I'm just wondering of the side effects.
Is there any studies on long term supra physiological doses of test and cruising on like say 300mg test aw? Not that I'm going to do that I'm just wondering of the side effects.
@Dr JIM is a member you should listen to. I agree with what he is telling you. It is my experience, that if I cruise on a trt dose, I have better results on blast. It is first hand experience for what it is worth. Dr Jim gives you what you should do. If you don't believe us, by all means learn for yourself, and I'm not being a smart ass. I'm giving it to you straight. Time on plus pct equals time off. Same with a blast.
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It goes for trt as well. Give your body a break, and hang on to the gains you make. For me that has worked best. The longer you are on, the less effective your blast or cycle will be. If you run a cruise that in reality is a low dose cycle, your returns will be fewer.
Ok got you I was just wondering like I said I'm not going to do that I was just curious. I'm going to Cruise on 150 mg a week of test e over the next year. And cycle next summer. Thanks for your help.
Is there any studies on long term supra physiological doses of test and cruising on like say 300mg test aw? Not that I'm going to do that I'm just wondering of the side effects.

Oh you want studies on how AAS can be effectively used as PEDS, wake up fella they not exist as such research is ILLEGAL.

I've been at this close to 20 years
and devote A LOT of my time to ensuring what I post is as close to evidence based as it can be using AVAILABLE evidence and my experience with many patients.

Finally with respect to the "long term side effects of LEGITIMATE "TRT" they are readily a valuable on Google, I'd suggest you start there.

How prophetic you haven't mentioned or seem to be concerned about the "long term side effects" of "BLASTING& CRUISING" AAS for several years, lol!

Good luck!
Oh the above post should have read; Just in case you or others ........... want studies ......