help with my TRT bloodwork (atypical TRT)


Well-known Member
hi friends,

I was recently on TRT at 200mg/wk, split 2x (cyp). After getting a bit ambitious on the need for a higher and actual cycle, I've decided to go off that cycle from bad sides and a couple of underlying issues. (acne, pre-existing gyno that was inflamed further by GH, moderate BPH). (cycle was Bold Cyp 300mg/wk, Primo 200mg/wk, raised Test Cyp to 500mg/wk).

prior to this cycle, I was experimenting with Letro 2.5mg 2x/week as my TRT. (one or maybe more studies back this as an alternative means of TRT, although their dosing was 1x 2.5mg Letro per week). I'm 6'6 / 270ish so I chose to use 2x that dose. BF is on the higher side of 18-19% as of now.

here were my bloods on the 2x2.5mg/week Letro:
MarkerLab Order ID 77580 09/24/2021
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)48
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)34
Free Testosterone24
Free Testosterone (%)1.76
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)5.3
Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG)54
Total Testosterone1383

I converted my values for finding my Free T using this calculator Free testosterone calculator and found my Free T to be 648 lol. so, obviously the Letro did the job.

everything was great on the LetroTRT except for the one obvious thing - my estradiol. and, it's why I switched gears and went to Cyp. I felt run down, no libido (well, really no desire honestly... I could get it up totally fine, I just hardly cared to). if this were the only problem i had to deal with, well, I'd still deal with it pretty easily, but my problem is that this also affected my work. (no, i'm not a sex worker lol). It just carried over into the lack of overall 'drive' that I need to succeed elsewhere.

so, my last pin was a week ago (cyp) and I began the Letro again. I'd like input on how I can raise my estradiol so I can perfect this setup.

a) HCG. I get pretty bad acne using 500iu 2x/week. I can reduce it to 100-250iu 2x/week and try that. I was on 500iu 2x/week on this last protocol with Cyp and my acne is quite awful right now. I know my BP was higher and was holding a lot of water as well, as I've pissed out about 8lbs of it in the last three days lol.
b) I think I can get estradiol cream or tabs on amazon, but ??? not so sure how good of an idea this is.
c) I can get a script for Toremifene to take alongside the Letro, although there's not a lot of reason why this would do any good. Clomid would theoretically be another option for a mild estro bump, but, Clomid fucks my head bigly. Torem doesn't.
d) I could lower the Letro dose itself to 1x 2.5mg per week and see if my estro isn't suppressed as hard. Not gonna lie, this is the least desired option because I love the TT/FT levels where they are lol. (Flame me away, Scally!)
other factors / shit I take / etc:
- I take 9mg / day of Boron. I cannot be sure if I was taking it at the time of the bloodwork, but I'm about 90% sure that I was. this likely explains the free T being where it was, as Boron is proven to do this at that dose.
- I take 15mg/day of Pregnenolone. always felt better doing this on TRT than when I didn't.
- I take 5mg Finasteride for BPH. now being off of Cyp, I am a bit concerned about the DHT suppression, but, hopefully won't be an issue.
- my nuts are a bit atrophied. HCG doesn't really do much for them in my experience. Torem and Clomid will blow them way up like I like 'em. :D
- I have a little bit of HMG on the way that should arrive in a week or so. I have no desire for further kids, so fertility isn't a thing here, but some users seem to respond better to HMG than HCG for recovering size down there.

obviously I will get bloodwork further to fine tune this shit, but, I'm after the least side effects possible from whatever the solution is.
anyway, thanks for reading and I wanted if nothing else to share the bloodwork on the LetroTRT protocol lol.
looked back at my "F33lz" logs during the letro time;

- from what I wrote, my nuts were fine/good. I was taking 15mg/day of Torem (liquid research shit) on this protocol as well. Might grab the script then for sure.
- DIM is another option to try to balance out estro, but I'm unsure if it will actually raise it enough.

edit: incorrect, was not taking Torem on the bloodwork.

I'm thinking DIM at 400mg per day as the first try for normalizing my estradiol.
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follow up to this, the protocol is a complete failure lol. last bloods put me at least than half of all the above numbers.

I went back on 15mg of Test prop per day as of last night. that puts me around the same TT (1330ish) and 41 E2 per my last bloods on that protocol. I'll get them again in a week or so to confirm.

