Hematocrit High after Phlebotomy


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10+ Year Member
My Hct was 51.8 4 weeks prior to blood donation.
4 weeks after donation it was 53.5!
Seems odd.
Now on the second blood draw I may have been a little dehydrated, because the day before I was so busy I hardly drank any water, and the morning of the blood draw only 2 cups of coffee.
But still, its usually in the high 40s after a blood donation.
Anyway, I may cut my Test-C dose from 50mg every 4 days to either 50mg every 5 days, OR 40mg every 4 days.
HCT measured how? In my experience there is a pretty large discrepancy between CBC lab values and the values given by portable meters like the Ultracrit. The desktop meters don't seem that accurate to me - perhaps there is user error involved.
THe first year I had to donate every other month as it kept climbing soon after the last donation. However in year 2 I have not had to go every other month as it is staying lower longer.