Hey all!


New Member
New guy here. Been involved in the fitness sphere since I was about 15 y/o. What got me started was a book that my aunt had when I was visiting: Flex Appeal by Rachel McLish! Yes, yes, true story. But once I got home a friend told me about Arnold's Encyclopedia. I bought it and got to work.

A couple of years later (after I bulked up to 120 lbs) I was invited to a bench press meet. This was in the 80's in Miami, FL. I knew nothing about choosing the weight so I just went with whatever. In the gym, I was able to BP 240 for a rep, so essentially 2x BW, but for my last try when I chose that weight, I couldn't make it, so I failed the attempt. Luckily, the guy I was competing against (tall, lanky kid) failed that one too, so I was told that we would wait 30 minutes and that they would weigh us to see who weighs less and they would take the trophy.

Went right outside to start sweating, chew gum and spit, and get some push ups in (tools from my wrestling). 10 minutes into doing that I find out that they decided to let us try another attempt. I'm like wtf, I'm exhausted, but my buddy said just go with 225. Well, I failed that and so did the guy, and I still ended up winning my weight class because I weighed less. Got the trophy and still have it to this day.

Next year I went to another meet...failed miserably and got 3rd place.

After that, I gymed on and off just to maintain throughout the years and then ran into the Misc. Started my Forever Bulk journey!

Using AAS was always in the back of my mind, but I was just fearful over the whole thing.

Fast forward a few more years, and I learn about SARMS. What an awesome way to get jacked and without injecting? Sign me up! Waited about a year before trying LGD to make sure I had all the info I needed. Bloods before (Testosterone, Serum 724, but didn't get Free T tested), during, and after. LGD was ok; added some size, maybe about 5 lbs or so over 8 weeks. Got the SARM flu once in each of my two cycles and ditched it. Ostarine was a waste of time. This was around 2016-2019.

When I was about 45 y/o, I told myself that I will consider AAS when I turn 50 (because it's a great round number). In those 5 years, I kind of let myself go. I wasn't sub 15% BF but normally hovered just under 20% while weighing 170-175 lbs (I'm 5'6"). During Covid, I told myself that it's gonna be awesome with my upgraded garage gym, gonna get the wife to exercise with me, even the kid! Nah, didn't happen. We all got plumpy. I ballooned up to 199 with a ton of visceral fat.

Now that I'm 50, once I get my lifestyle in order, I'll see how things look before jumping in. Sleep has been poor over the last 4 years (averaging 4.5 hours a night!), diet has been shit (too much bread products), beer at social gatherings (plenty of family BBQs) and exercise was always "I'll just start tomorrow". Oh yeah, and I started gaming in 2020, so that wasted a lot of time after everyone went to sleep.


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 183 lbs
BF: 30% (says the scale, but I will measure with a caliper to corroborate)

After thinking about it, I should drop to at least 20% before trying Test C, maybe along with Var. Although seeing how Var can reduce visceral fat, it's tempting, but I think I can drop 10% fairly quickly, so I might hold out for a bit. I bought two blood panels from Private MD, so once I get set up routine-wise, I'll get the first blood test.

Shit, what I needed to see was all this typed out in front of me. Anyway, that's pretty much it! Looking forward to interacting with you all!