Hey everyone!


New Member
30 year old guy from EU, hitting the gym from the age of 15, doing many other sports recreationally, and doing okay with 300s testosterone levels since 25.
I think it's time now, got a lot of valuable info here on the forum so I decided to register before starting TRT.

Lift heavy!
you prefer not to pin so much because you dont like it or just convenience?

I will be using Test C and probs pin 3/4 times a week, mainly to see if i can reduce and Estrogen spikes
you prefer not to pin so much because you dont like it or just convenience?

I will be using Test C and probs pin 3/4 times a week, mainly to see if i can reduce and Estrogen spikes
I'm traveling a lot and it's easier not to think about it every other day or so
Well, good luck, you don't know until you get bloods, like me also. Maybe I'll be a wreck maybe I'll thrive, we'll see :D