Hey, new member


Hey everyone I'm a long time lurker like years. Figured it was time to create an account since I'm looking to start cycling. I'm late 30s haven't messed with anything so far besides my TRT and some clen/T3. Did just start running some HGH for the anti aging effects and so it would be up and running in my system when I started blasting.
Been training ~2 years after a 15 year layoff from the gym. Stupidly fucked my shoulder benching in my early 20s and even more stupid thought what's the point of even going to the gym if I can't bench press lol.

Actually starting a 550mg/Wk test cycle next week so hoping to see some gains. Honestly most would probably recommend holding off a year or 2 because I still have natty gains to make but I'm feeling the creep of 40 and want to take the next couple of years to make sure I look my best and have the body I want when the odometer rolls over.