HGH facial growth part 2.

After consultation with 2 doctors and an orthodontist i was able to get X-rays from before I started and after. First thing we saw was my skull was indeed finished developing. All my sutures were closed and I was completely done with puberty. After getting pictures from the same angles with doctors, I was able to compare photos from the beginning of my HGH journey to the end. There was barely any facial changes in the first 6 months of GH. All the changes happened the last two when I did use Chinese Generic optiropin that was yellow tinted. I’m going to be getting another batch of the same Gh I used those months ago and testing it for everything. I’m not sure what was in it but not sure. Anyways, what happened was my face actually grew downward, it didn’t widen at all it lengthened which contributed to my really weird face shape now. Anyways, a lot of sad shit has happened to me after this. My pretty ex left me that we were hs sweethearts and also just i’ve been getting treated differently, i didn’t know such a big life difference came from attraction but since im 21 it’s understandable why girls don’t fw me anymore. Anyways, just wanted to say to everyone who thought i wasn’t done with puberty. Yes I was completely finished. I’m sure it was regular HGH but maybe there was something else in that yellow hgh that made me react as I did to it. All the regular hgh i used before did nothing to me besides that. Maybe it was just something in it that I reacted to combined with the GH.
So how much GH did you use, what was your timing, what was the protocol? what else did you take during this time and how was training and diet?
Wtf do you think it was in that HGH? It grew your cheekbones a little bit wider, that's what the HGH does. Why did you even go to the doctor? It's not like there's any bone growth reversal method (other than like cutting that shit off with a saw).
Seriously I get get you're sad, I get you want something better. Have you taken measurements or going off of any concrete baseline or only the mirror?

Possibly losing bf? Serious questions. Short term gh is not a godsend.
I didn't actually read the post, but has anyone else noticed there is stereotypical guy that frequents steroid communities?

He has severe body image issues
He's short
He has little bones
He has a tiny penis
He has no confidence

Then he's either looking for drugs to solve one or multiple of these issues.

After that doesn't work he then comes here convinced the drugs caused even worse problems. Usually the usage of said drugs is very short term as well.

Anyone notice anything else with these type of guys?
I didn't actually read the post, but has anyone else noticed there is stereotypical guy that frequents steroid communities?

He has severe body image issues
He's short
He has little bones
He has a tiny penis
He has no confidence

Then he's either looking for drugs to solve one or multiple of these issues.

After that doesn't work he then comes here convinced the drugs caused even worse problems. Usually the usage of said drugs is very short term as well.

Anyone notice anything else with these type of guys?
dude. what are you talking about?
So how much GH did you use, what was your timing, what was the protocol? what else did you take during this time and how was training and diet?
Wtf do you think it was in that HGH? It grew your cheekbones a little bit wider, that's what the HGH does. Why did you even go to the doctor? It's not like there's any bone growth reversal method (other than like cutting that shit off with a saw).
it didnt widen my cheekbones per say. It grew my face entirely downwards like lengthened it. something that doesn’t happen in acromegaly. It was completely unheard of really and doesn’t exist. And for the people who are saying the effects happened because one wasn’t done growing. That’s not true. HGH wouldn’t have affected a growing person nearly to the extent it does to a full grown adult. spoke to an endo about that.
Seriously I get get you're sad, I get you want something better. Have you taken measurements or going off of any concrete baseline or only the mirror?

Possibly losing bf? Serious questions. Short term gh is not a godsend.
believe it or not literally only 3 more months of running like 6 ius. Optitripin has everything overdosed like 14ius so i was probably running 8 or some bs. but i highly doubt the people who make the stuff think it’s going to have these side affects in people since i’m literally an outlier. but nah i looked good before. now i jus kinda look weird