hgh for recovery


Would hgh (2-4 iu) hinder hpta/fertility recovery? I would use it to help my injuries (muscle tears) heal up faster and to try help keep some muscle gains from a 3 year steroid blast and cruise. My main goal is to recover fertility/hpta so if it does interfere with that i would not use it. Would i supress natural hgh release when i use it long term? Or is there a way to use it without any suppression (like only every other day injectjon?) Thank you
Would hgh (2-4 iu) hinder hpta/fertility recovery? I would use it to help my injuries (muscle tears) heal up faster and to try help keep some muscle gains from a 3 year steroid blast and cruise. My main goal is to recover fertility/hpta so if it does interfere with that i would not use it. Would i supress natural hgh release when i use it long term? Or is there a way to use it without any suppression (like only every other day injectjon?) Thank you
HGH has nothing to do with hpta... So don't worry about that. Not sure about muscle tears but I had neck problems for years sitting at a computer and I did a 6 month run of Glotropin @ 4ius and my neck pain is gone.
does it supress anything else? are there proofs that it doesnt suppress hpta?
Bro hgh increases IGF levels and has nothing to do with your reproductive system. It can cause insulin resistance and lower your T4 levels if you run it too high for too long without supplementation of insulin or T4. It can affect your pancreas and your Thyroid.

Sorry I don't know the proper medical terms and I explained the best I can.