hgh testing advice


New Member
Hello all,

Was hoping I could pick some brains.

Basically, how can I tell my hgh is working? I asked my doctor for a GH serum and IGF-1 test. Usually they are pretty good are getting me what I need (besides hgh) which is nice. Now, I've been taking 2 IUs, but I'm on my second day off (5days on, 2 off) and thinking of not taking any more until after I've had the tests to get a baseline. Thoughts? Get the tests done, and then take 2IUs and get them done in again month? Maybe take 4IUs a few days before the second set of tests? My goal is to go up to 4IU after a month anyways. Any information I would greatly appreciate. Thank you.

Hello all,

Was hoping I could pick some brains.

Basically, how can I tell my hgh is working? I asked my doctor for a GH serum and IGF-1 test. Usually they are pretty good are getting me what I need (besides hgh) which is nice. Now, I've been taking 2 IUs, but I'm on my second day off (5days on, 2 off) and thinking of not taking any more until after I've had the tests to get a baseline. Thoughts? Get the tests done, and then take 2IUs and get them done in again month? Maybe take 4IUs a few days before the second set of tests? My goal is to go up to 4IU after a month anyways. Any information I would greatly appreciate. Thank you.

if you take IGF, run the hgh for 5-6 weeks then test. But dont expect magic numbers from 2iu daily.
For GH serum, 10iu IM 3hours pre bloodwork. result should be 20+, better would be 30-40+
best method as said is hplc
if you take IGF, run the hgh for 5-6 weeks then test. But dont expect magic numbers from 2iu daily.
For GH serum, 10iu IM 3hours pre bloodwork. result should be 20+, better would be 30-40+
best method as said is hplc

Everyone’s different , on 1.5IU of Omintrope thru my anti aging clinic I tested IGF1 at 366. 2IU for some is similar to 4IU for other etc.
5 on/2 off 2 IU is less than replacement for a healthy man aged 22-28 (75 kg, 165 lb mean body weight), so it'd be curious to see anything of significance with respect to IGF-I (on a long time-frame, you'll see an initial rise) increase here if you're a young man.

I've been asked to write more about how to verify authenticity of rhGH versus test GH response (subject to genetic factors, some are hyper- and some are even total non- responders, to even high dose pharma rhGH).
If you're on TRT test, you'll get more of an IGF-I increase from that than from the rhGH (eviscerating the point of using it).