High concetration,the need of filtering,and the basics.Need help.


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So my idea is making a mix with:

the best carrier for such a high mix seems to be ethyl oleate and i am not alergic to it(have used it)

the powders i have:
Boldenone undecanoate 24gr
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 24gr
Testosterone Phenylpropionate 20gr

i want to make a mix that i shoot every other day at 1ml.so i have the powders,have a source for eo and ba and i am pretty much stettled.also have 2 20cc syringes,some fat pins and the last thing i will need is the 100ml bottles to put it in.

my question is..i know we use filters etc.also i know for eo best filtering is PTFE or PVDF ,my question is...do i really need to filter it?since i wont use any kind of oil in it.

also i havent come with how much eo and stuff will i need.i was thinking of adding the powders,then 5-8%ba and the rest oil to make up for 200-250mls of oils to last me a year or so.if not possible to have such high concetration than half the concetration and double the oil,still no prob for me.

thought on it,help or suggestions?