High E2 when switching from blast to a cruise

Recently cut back down from 500/500 test/npp and began cruising at 175mg of test.

My E2 has gone sky high, I’ve had a bad gyno flare up, my balls are tight, I’m hot all the time and I’m gaining quite a bit of water retention.

Erections, don’t even mention it. It’s not prolactin related either as I took 1mg of caber every 4 weeks while I was using NPP. I just followed what my friend told me.

My E2 symptoms are worse now then they were at 500mg of testosterone. It wasn’t perfect at that dosage but it was manageable.

At 175mg of testosterone my E2 has gone out of control.

It’s been like this for 2 weeks but it isn’t getting any better, I don’t use AI as they make me feel terrible. Not a big fan of them.

Advice? How did this happen?
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My e2 stays elevated for maybe a month after blast. Unfortunately a little normal. K would advise to take 20 nolva. Maybe 1/4 dose of your preferred AI after blood work.
My e2 stays elevated for maybe a month after blast. Unfortunately a little normal. K would advise to take 20 nolva. Maybe 1/4 dose of your preferred AI after blood work.
Never responded well to nolva, what’s the lowest effective dosage?

I’m going to get the gyno surgically removed soon. It’s actually the reason I came off the blast. Going doctor soon.
For me, yes. You could try 10 nolva ED to raloxifene if you have it
This is why I hate messing around my testosterone dosage.

From now on I’m just running trt test (150mg) and another drug as a main anabolic.

Every single time I change my test dose my estrogen goes crazy.
My symptoms are quite obvious it’s high E2.
You can find out for sure and where it's at exactly for under a hundred bucks.
It's real nice to have this kind of data for yourself so you can plan accordingly in the future.

test e or c? Two weeks off isn't enough to have your hormones stabilized yet. I personally wouldn't be throwing the kitchen sink at it.