High mg test blend

Have some left over test cyp and test prop and test acetate…my question is will this hold with no EO?
Test cyp 200mg
Test prop 100mg
Test ace 100mg
So 400mg per ml I’m thinking not with the short esters I may get away with it if the test ace is 50mg in the blend ?? I’ve done test cyp prop blend it held 200mg cyp and 100mg test pro I’d be adding the acetate??
1% ba
18-20% bb
I did a 200mg test cyp 100mg test prop with no prob at 1% ba / 18%bb …I think I’m gonna push it but only add 50mg test ace
I’m gonna go 1% ba and 20%bb and I let it cool and see what happens before I filter…I guess I’d have to add a few ml of EO to fix if it crashes we see