You seem to react differently to almost everything, KBD. Judging sex drive is very difficult since so much depends on your circumstances & psychology. I mean I've taken too much of everything for over-the-top libido and when action time came I was almost indifferent. It was then I realized I was just bored with the same old muffin.
Anadrol is found by most to feel edgy, extra body-heat but with no sex drive increase. Most do not like using it but love what it does.
Dbol is known for its sudden sense of "well-being", i.e., confident sexual urges. If you love water weight, you'll also love what it does.
Proviron is way over-rated, though it does something. Masteron prop is the way to go. Just wait 24 hours after injection for full effect. Much the same for Test prop.
If your sexuality is aggressive, you'll swear Tren ace on top of Test prop is the greatest aphrodisiac. Hell, throw in the Mast prop, too, plus two viagra tabs, and try to walk down the beach in a tight swim suit.
Don't try to piss in a shoulder-to-shoulder men's room.