HMG - Long Term Storage Un-reconstituted.


Well-known Member
I have come across conflicting information about whether or not to freeze un-reconstituted HMG for long term storage. A lot of peptides appear that they would remain stable if frozen; others not so much. I can’t seem to come across a solid answer for HMG.

I’m looking for the beat way to store this product long term as a powder. Most conversations here centre around storage after reconstitution.

What have you done with success, or what info have you come across with your research?
I'm curious about this as well. I have a couple kits of HMG sitting at room temp and I'm not sure if it's okay to freeze them along with my unconstituted peptides and gh.
Whack em in the fridge lads.

In the fridge as it is advised by the manufacturer.

I feel like you guys are right, that would have to help with long term storage of the powder.

Only thing is that has me questioning is that the pamphlet that came with the pharm HCG only makes mention of room temp storage as a powder; but realistically a fridge must be helpful when it comes to storage long term.

(Pamphlet with HMG is not in my language, but I would think that the 2 compounds would respond similarly)