Home brewing


New Member
I looking into home brewing (yes Georgia is that dry).
I come across cattle implants with 200mg testosterone propionate in them. However the also have 20mg estradiol benzoate in them, Is there a way to get the estradiol benzoate out. Can it been cooked off or Separated?
Also what can you get or make for post cycle?

You can't home brew the complicated chems needed for pct. They're cheap and available. Don't ask for a source, don't post a source. Use Google and the search tool in the top right of your screen on Meso.
Compnent-TE200 and Revalor 200 both contain 200mg of trenbolone, but they also have 20mg of estradiol (think birth control pills). You don't want to go anywhere near that stuff. Look for Finaplix-H and a conversion kit.
'Nuff said.
Good luck
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Thanks sorry I was not fishing. I was just asking for some info. On make my own gear.

No prob. Just make sure that any tren conversion you do doesn't have estradiol in it. We all gotta learn some how. Read lots of threads. Ask lots and lots of questions, then ask some more. Then when you're done asking questions, read until you get more questions.:D
There are 3 types of implants one could use.. and only theree.. Do not divate from these
the first two are finaplix.

Both contain the same ingredient.. Finaplix = Trenbolone acetate
1st ..Finaplix-H
2nd .Component-TH
These two are quite simple to convert for your cows

The third implant contains testosterone propionate and goes by the name Synovex
3rd .. Synovex-H
This one is more complicated due to having to remeove the estrogen. But it can be done
where can I buy the conversion kit, I have done google searches and I can't find any companies that sell the conversion kit. I am trying to remove the estrogen from Revalor 200 and I have to use Heet to dissolve the pellets and lye to remove the estrogen, Liquid Lye isn't sold in stores anymore and I can't find it on the internet either, the only lye sold in stores and on the internet is in "BEAD" form. What should I do to make the beads liquid and equivalent to what was once sold in liquid form?

How do I know how many beads to use? Should I just crush up the beads and mix them in with the methanol and Revalor?

These companies have been making everything so difficult from getting rid of Finaplix and then adding estradiol to it and then stopping production of liquid lye and only selling beads.

That website says to use diethyl ether to dissolve the estradiol, but a university study that I read found that diethyl ether only removes about 75% of the estradiol and that NaOH or lye removes 95% to almost all of the estradiol. At 75% that would be about 1.25 mg of estrogen per 50 mg of Trenbolone Acetate; does anyone know how to convert the solid lye beads into liquid? I wonder what solvent they used to convert NaOH into liquid lye.
I did, I saw it many times, but you obviously didn't answer my question. If you read carefully you'd see that I said that I can't find any company that sells these conversion kits anymore.

I am trying to do it at home by buying all of the products individually since it is cheaper, my only problem is finding NaOH or Lye in solution form, it is no longer sold in solution form, only in solid pellets. NaOH removes the Estradiol Ester and allows it to be soluble so that the Trenbolone Acetate crystals can be separated from it.

Basskiller uses the estrogen solubilizer fom a kit, I CAN'T FIND KITS ANYWHERE AND THEY ARE TOO EXPENSIVE...anyone can go to a store and purchase Lye, but how does one convert lye or NaOh into solution? LYE IS NOT SOLD IN SOLUTION FORM ANYMORE.

If I use water to dissolve the lye pellets and then mix it with the Heet and Revalor pellets won't the Tren starts to crystalize? Won't a lot of the estradiol begin to crystallize as well because the lye was dissolved in water.

How does one solve this problem now.
Sorry, but the conversion kits are no longer available since finapix was taken off the market.

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Best bet is to contact basskiller himself about this.

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Never mind, I think that I found the answer in Wikipedia, it says that sodium hydroxide pellets are soluble in water, ethanol and METHANOL, so I guess one just have to use a little more HEET to dissolve the LYE pellets as well.

I think that one should dissolve the LYE pellets separately using HEET liquid, I will make a concentrated solution so I will use just enough HEET to dissolve the LYE pellets plus a little more after the pellets are dissolved to make it a little less concentrated. I hope that this is correct.

If anyone has any input on dissolving sodium hydroxide pellets in methanol please let me know, but I think that I have solved my problem and relieved my anguish.
wow, just when I thought that I had everything solved I just read on this website: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/chemical-study/20864-sodium-hydroxide-estrogen-solubilizer.html

that sodium hydroxide (lye) not only strips the estradiol ester, but all the Trenbolone Acetate ester giving you just Trenbolone without an ester, if this is true then I wonder how long the Trenbolone will last in the system? I am making an educated guess that it will last a lot less and that daily injections are needed. The people on that board also said that the estrogen solubilizer will not strip the Acetate ester in Trenbolone, I wonder what those kits used as estrogen solubilizer. Too bad that they are no longer available.

Why the hell is the maker of Revalor adding estrogen to their steroids? It might be a good thing if just a little estrogen remains in the tren powder because I've read that trenbolone will completely suppress estrogen in the body and estrogen is necessary in everyone because it will lube up ones joints, without it one may get joint pain.

any input on this?
If it were me, I'd stay the hell away from that stuff... It's so much easier, and safer imo, to just home brew raw tren powder. There's a few good sources for raws right now.

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the guy in your avatar looks like he's on tren. I have never been able to find legit 'roid's, I've been sent bunk about 4 out of the 4 times that I have ordered so I don't want to get ripped off anymore, buying revalor is the only way to know that my gear is legit, but Merck threw a major stick in the wheel by adding that estradiol bullshit.

Why the hell do they want cattle with estrogen?

Also if you were to buy legit gear, you don't know what percent of it is tren and what else is it in, unless you spend a lot of money to get it tested.
while I am still waiting for my syringes, whatman filter and ethyl oleate to come in the mail I crushed 2 Revalor 200 pellets very well and then chopped it up into very fine powder. I put one pellet worth of powder under my tongue for 20 minutes, then I snorted a little more than half of another pellet and then put the rest under my tongue, I did not feel anything, even though I supposedly ingested 40mg of tren ace.

Once I inject on Monday when the rest of my supplies come in if I do not feel any effect it will be about 5 out of 5 times that I have been mailed bunk gear and this last time I ordered it from a 100% legit website and source. I have never heard of trusted, very popular VETERINARY web sites selling "BUNK" cow pellets.

Worldwide collusion against me has taken it that far that they are willing to contact the Merck company and ask them to manufacturer Revalor pellets without any tren ace or estrogen in them. They've already done that with every company that produces DHEA, I used to buy legit 100% GNC brand DHEA. After about 2008, I was never able to get legit DHEA ever again, regardless of brand, it was all bunk after 2008. I even bought it in different cities like Chicago and NYC area, it didn't make a difference. I'll find out for sure on Monday.

After injection one would know within minutes if the gear is legit.

I'll give it one last try with HometownPowder, if his gear turns out to be bunk, then I give up.
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