Homebrew question


New Member
Probably a huge noob question, Im new to brewing and getting ready to start my first batch.

When figuring out your percentages and amounts of raws, BA, BB, and carrier oils everything comes down to mL to reach your desired total mL brewed

My question is, in most recipes iv seen next to raw powder in grams is it’s equivalent in mL,
For Example Sust 250 10g (7.5mL)
How do you determine how many mL your raw powder will equate to?
You’re mistaken. You always weigh out the raw hormone in grams.
BA, BB, and carrier oil(s) is in mL’s
Yes I understand that, but In order to use for your BA, BB percentages you have to know your total mL being brewed.
I guess Im confused as to figuring out your total mL without knowing what your raw powder in grams would equate to in mL
Don't consider it so much as what raw powder equates to in mL, consider by how much the powder displaces the volume of liquid you will have.

Were you throwing out a generic number for the sust being 7.5mL? That wouldn't be accurate. It would be around 9ml, give or take .5mL. Google steroid raw powder displacement to get some figures or just use .85 - .9ml per gram.
You’re mistaken. You always weigh out the raw hormone in grams.
BA, BB, and carrier oil(s) is in mL’s
Here’s an example,
To make 40mL of sust 250mg/mL

10g raw powder
7.2mL BB (18%)
.8mL BA (2%)
24.5mL GSO

If you add all mL together you get 32.5mL but you just brewed 40mL of Sust 250 so that would mean that my 10g of powder equates to 7.5mL
Don't consider it so much as what raw powder equates to in mL, consider by how much the powder displaces the volume of liquid you will have.

Were you throwing out a generic number for the sust being 7.5mL? That wouldn't be accurate. It would be around 9ml, give or take .5mL. Google steroid raw powder displacement to get some figures or just use .85 - .9ml per gram.
That was very helpful, thank you for that
Here’s an example,
To make 40mL of sust 250mg/mL

10g raw powder
7.2mL BB (18%)
.8mL BA (2%)
24.5mL GSO

If you add all mL together you get 32.5mL but you just brewed 40mL of Sust 250 so that would mean that my 10g of powder equates to 7.5mL
If you have a beaker, with marks of mL. You could do powder, ba, bb, then add oil until 40 mL.

so you only have to calculate the ba and bb. Not the oil part.

I do both, the math and then this way. Just to double check.
I’m be w to brewing but from what I understand is that every one gram of raw Equation 0.75 mL fluid
Sorry that Didn’t come out right for every 1 g of raw powder it equates to 0.75 mL
Yeah as jJjburton stated it’s different for each powder you can google each powders displacement or what I do is use .9 per gram for most of them and it works just fine.

