Homebrew Setup

Hi Gents,

Been cruising through the homebrew section and I want to get into homebrewing all my future gear (seems like it can be an interesting science experiment).

From what I've read, it seems like there 3 methods to filtering: Capsule filters (whatman), Bottle top filters, and syringe filtering. I've decided to go with either whatman capsule filter or bottle top filter.

1) What do you guys specifically prefer, capsule filtering or bottle top?
2) What is your experience with bottle-top filters (PTFE filter)? Would this be your standard set-up and does it work well?
3) Does PTFE sterile paper explicitly need to state "sterile"? All 0.20 micron paper I've found does not state sterile.
4) For capsule filtering, do you buy tubing and rinse / autoclave it for sterile purposes?
5) For whatman capsule filtering, if you use it first for test for example and then want to homebrew primo, do you need to buy another capsule filter or can you rinse this out somehow (seems expensive to dispose every use).

I appreciate the help, thank you.
Read the forum your question shows little knowledge ( that's ok) but at the same time shows you haven't took the time to read almost anything of all the stuff written in the homebrew section.

Capsule filter is for filtering liters of gear. Makes zero sense unless you selling gear.

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Read the forum your question shows little knowledge ( that's ok) but at the same time shows you haven't took the time to read almost anything of all the stuff written in the homebrew section.

Capsule filter is for filtering liters of gear. Makes zero sense unless you selling gear.

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Plus expensive to use capsule filtersz… plus how you goin to clean it without autoclave?? Unless he just flush it with BA or something… they think it’s so easy…