Horrible pain in left elbow


Well-known Member
Hey guys about a month ago I started to have slight discomfort in my left elbow. Mainly while doing any triceps extensions and pressing movements for chest.
Fast forward to this past week and I can't do any exercise for upperbody without horrible elbow pain. Simply lifting a dumbell off the rack has become excruciating. Can only do pec deck for chest. Triceps are impossible to work. Biceps are nearly impossible. Only lat pull downs for back.
In almost 30 years of lifting I have never had pain like this.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Will be calling my pcp this week. Hoping to see an orthopedic soon after that.
Only on trt. If that matters
You use a barbell for curls or dumbells ?

Everytime i use a barbell for curls i have left elbow pain.

I Use only the ez bar now.
Sounds like tennis or golfers elbow. Basically tendinitis in your elbow. Can be very, very painful. I had it and could barely pickup a cup of water and take a drink. Takes anywhere from a couple weeks to a yr to fully go away sometimes longer. I had to stop using it for a few weeks then got a sleeve and babied it for 6 months. Just now able to lift with minimal pain and it started last November.
Hey guys about a month ago I started to have slight discomfort in my left elbow. Mainly while doing any triceps extensions and pressing movements for chest.
Fast forward to this past week and I can't do any exercise for upperbody without horrible elbow pain. Simply lifting a dumbell off the rack has become excruciating. Can only do pec deck for chest. Triceps are impossible to work. Biceps are nearly impossible. Only lat pull downs for back.
In almost 30 years of lifting I have never had pain like this.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Will be calling my pcp this week. Hoping to see an orthopedic soon after that.
Only on trt. If that matters
Finding any exercises that are possible without pain, and doing simple light weight exercises until the pain goes away. Its an over use injury. Tendonitis is awful had it in my knee, i have got it to go away, but it took strengthening the area around it, while not allowing any movements i did to cause pain.

ALSO BPC and TB is the way to go. I realized that after the fact. This is a huge help.

You basically have to get rid of the inflammation and retrain the are, starting with litterally no weight movements, and ANY movement that causes pain is stopped. And gradually increased back.
Thanks for the replies everyone. Will try and take it easy for awhile. At least until I see an orthopedic.