how do i know if i am shutdown?


New Member
Hi All, i am a little bit confused and in need of some guidance. i completed my second cycle in 05/2014, Blasted HCG and then ran nolva and clomid for 4 weeks. cycle was 600 mg of Test C, and 350 mg of test P per week for 15 weeks. with some Anavar for the last 6 weeks of the cycle.

over the last 3 months i have been feeling very shitty, lethargic, depressed, no sex drive at all (it literally feels like a chore for my girl to blow me) i have no motivation at work in my sales job and i would rather stay in bed all day than go out and do anything. i also have been having some pretty intense hot flashes where my skin feels very hot and clammy and i just generally feel really gross. also have been having a major issue with severe dandruff and dermatitis on my face, which i have never had an issue with before.

i finally decided to get bloods done because i never checked my baseline after PCT.

my pre-cycle test level was over 1000, and my current Serum is 331. here are my numbers:

Serum Test: 331
LH: 5.7
Estradiol: 10.1

im not 100% sure if i am shutdown or what is going on, i used nolva and clomid from MJR and i know that they were having issues shortly after the time i got my ancillaries.

im open to suggestions or advice, i am pretty familiar with proper PCT protocol, but have never been in the position to need a restart in the past. anything that you guys can tell me would be very helpful, i would just like to feel like a man again.
My bad didn't read the bottom. It shows your lh and fsh is active I would continue getting bloodwork every month to see what direction ur levels are going and make a decision from there or not to run another pct. What's your age
i am 25 years old. i was hoping Dr. Scally would chime in here eventually, because from what i understand, my LH and FSH would indicate primary hypogonadism since they are in the normal range. am a little nervous because generally if one is primary a restart is pointless i believe?
Hmm I really thought u crashed your e2 because u have all the symptoms, but if that is ur pc blood work then idk my dude. I would get more bloodwork like bam said and keep an eye on it
Yeah bro this bloodwork was done yesterday so it has been a solid 7 months since my pct and i have not taken any aas or sups since then
Im not sure what to do as i feel like i am too young to go on trt, even though the clinics around here would be willing to prescribe, and i also am wary about seeing an endo because i have heard a lot of stories of them being clueless or discrimitory regarding someone who has used steroids in the past.
I went through everything you are going through, and it turned out to be hell for me because i didnt clue into it. you might be going through andropause already.

I had severe dermetitis on my face and scalp but I think its xerosis due to low testosterone levels, get to a doctor and get help asap, the only thing that began to alleviate my dry skin hot flashes and that was TRT im 26, and I just have to accept that this is it, you may have to do the same thing.

dont let them push anti depressants or skin creams and shit on you either, its a waste of money and its just a band aid when you really need to address what the actual issue is. also watch what you eat during this time, I went from being 150 pound lean triathlete / kickboxer now i weigh 180 pounds and its depressing. keep us posted
I went through everything you are going through, and it turned out to be hell for me because i didnt clue into it. you might be going through andropause already.

I had severe dermetitis on my face and scalp but I think its xerosis due to low testosterone levels, get to a doctor and get help asap, the only thing that began to alleviate my dry skin hot flashes and that was TRT im 26, and I just have to accept that this is it, you may have to do the same thing.

dont let them push anti depressants or skin creams and shit on you either, its a waste of money and its just a band aid when you really need to address what the actual issue is. also watch what you eat during this time, I went from being 150 pound lean triathlete / kickboxer now i weigh 180 pounds and its depressing. keep us posted

i think i may have read a few threads that you started, you have several different handles here on meso no?

i have not gained much actual weight in lbs, but i went from 230 at about 15% BF to 237 currently around 25% BF, strength dropped off significantly. i was fairly certian that i had low T based on my symptoms, but the bloodwork confirmed it. i am really just looking for some answers, based on my symptoms, is TRT the only option to get me back to normal? based on my LH and FSH levels it looks like i am primary not secondary, and from what i understand if i am primary hypogonadic then a restart is pointless because my HPTA is not supressed, my balls are just not working. anyone feel free to correct me if im wrong.
I have two, I am tryin to get the other one deleted because I want to be more discreet on a identity side & I feel this one best keeps it unable for people i know personally to put two and two together.

& I feel you, I am primary too also based on my blood tests I received. Do you feel like your bone density has also dropped? I would honestly get to a doctor, try and ask him more questions related to your blood tests and concern for it being primary. I unfortunately didn't know until it was too late & andropause is not fun, It will destroy your life, and alter who you are as a person.

I hate to hear about this, especially the "dermatitis", the only thing that fixed that for me was test shots. even on the power pct, the dermatitis didnt go away it sucked & was partially the reason I chose to go back on Test.

you want to seriously address all this its a serious issue. do your best to find a good doctor who has knowledge on anabolic steroids , I have a bad doctor who said I would "recalibrate over time" & my levels were :
FSH = 11.5 IU/L (<10.0 IU/L)
LH = 3.9 IU/L (<10.0 IU/L)
Testosterone = 4.6 nmol/L (8.4-28.8 nmol/L)

Im saying this because i would hate to see anyone experience what I have had too.

best of luck man.
its wierd but i know i am since i havent had that wierd tinglig sebsation in my testicles in a while. in all seriousness do a hcg jumpstart and worse comes to worse run torem nolva and clomid together. bloodwork is always key
no updates, have been trying to get a good referral for an endo in south florida and i have not gotten follow up bloodwork yet, will update when i get some
I think the problem was your mjr pct. That supplier is no good, your pct was probably bunk so recovery is just taking alot longer. Get some real clomid IMO.
yeah, i know for a fact my adex was legit, but i felt shutdown hard during after my nolva/clomid run. any reccomendations on legit pharma pct products? european pharam?
I used Mjr clomid and mike strong nolvadex for pct and couldn't get hard for almost 2 months. My wife thought I was cheeying on her. She knew I juiced and I explained it to her but it really fucked up our relationship. This time I am going with pharma grade from European pharmacueticles. Hopefully it's better.