How gear like primo and mast regulate e2

I'm just curious the science behind this, how certain gear controls or reduces estro? I have never run anything like primo or mast, I always run "wet" compounds with the exception being tren in the past.

I would really like to drop the ai on my current high test only cycle and was considering primo for estrogen control. I'm trying to stay the fuck away from 19nors and most orals these days.

Might be dumb question but it's a gap in my knowledge banks.
It competitively inhibits the aromatase enzyme.. is what I take from that.

Not sure where you came up with that, Mast does not effect aromatase. It modulates and inhibits Estrogens effect in some tissues. It does not lower estrogen levels. Primo on the other hand can lower Estrogen in some guys but this effect varies significantly person to person.
Primo on the other hand can lower Estrogen in some guys but this effect varies significantly person to person.

My understanding of it is that one of the metabolites of primo is an aromatase inhibitor and as such the resultant AI effect is going to be dependent on how each individual metabolizes it.