How good is yk11 injectable and what can it be compared to?


New Member
Anyone have experience with injectable yk11? Can it be compared to inj winstrol? Or what could it be compared to? I hear it’s the shit.
It seems good, at least on paper, as it's both a SARM (partial AR agonist) and myostain inhibitor. @Mac11wildcat has shared his protocol for its use, an example of excellent bro science (as opposed to bad bro science, this is very good):

Mac11wildcat protocol (YK-11): YK-11 treatment mid-cycle (observed that MSTN peaks mid-cycle in his bloodwork): e.g., 24-week blast:
* Week 7 - 12:
+ 10 mg YK-11 daily
* Week 13 - 18:
+ 15 - 20 mg YK-11 daily
- 12 weeks mid-cycle

Which is consistent with data from the literature that MSTN peaked day 56 (week 8) of treatment & returned to base-line by day 140 (week 20) [25, 50, 125, & 300 mg graded doses of testosterone enanthate x 20 weeks]:
Lakshman, K. M., Bhasin, S., Corcoran, C., Collins-Racie, L. A., Tchistiakova, L., Forlow, S. B., … LaVallie, E. R. (2009). Measurement of myostatin concentrations in human serum: Circulating concentrations in young and older men and effects of testosterone administration. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 302(1), 26–32. doi:10.1016/j.mce.2008.12.019
Anyone have experience with injectable yk11? Can it be compared to inj winstrol? Or what could it be compared to? I hear it’s the shit.
I would bet my bottom dollar people think it’s the shit because they’re using too much of it.

Injectable products can be almost cut in half dosing wise for the same effect. I like YK and injectable is just a viable as oral, but watch the dosing.
New study on YK-11 not what you want to see: YK11 induces oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in hippocampus: The interplay between a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) and exercise - PubMed

"In summary, our study identifies important pathways of YK11's hippocampal effects, revealing its potential to promote oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting that the administration of YK11 may pose potential neurological risks for athletes and bodybuilders seeking to enhance performance"
I'm looking at yk11 oil and saw some of the reports with joint pain and it kind of made me pull back on my decision. I'm not looking to run it at high doses. I'm in my 6thweek of 500test e and 4th week of 100npp ed. Would yk11 in low doses (max 10mg ed) really have that much affect on my joints. @Mac11wildcat @Type-IIx @anyone
yk-11 injectable is the shit its really anabolic and strength increase its up there in the strongest compounds ive used for sure.
I'm looking at yk11 oil and saw some of the reports with joint pain and it kind of made me pull back on my decision. I'm not looking to run it at high doses. I'm in my 6thweek of 500test e and 4th week of 100npp ed. Would yk11 in low doses (max 10mg ed) really have that much affect on my joints. @Mac11wildcat @Type-IIx @anyone
I didnt notice any joint issues from it.