How long after a (short ester) cycle should you still take AI?


New Member
Hey fellas,

generally it is said that the day of the last injection is the day where you take your last AI dose.

Is this really sufficient? Or should you still take AI a few days after the last injection? And we're talking about short esters like Ace, prop, phenylprop.
I personally still use AI up to 7 days after the last injection. That being said i use Aromasin which is very mild.

What is the correct protocol here? Especially with non-suicidal AI. Stop taking AI the day of the last inject or keep taking AI for a couple of days still?


Why u taking a AI on cycle? Gyno? Afftee your stop taking AAS Take clomid for a while then ai. But I’m not anyone with much sense. There’s a search bar feature and also pinned threads in this forum for beginners and PCT protocol.
I stop aromasin at the same time as the cycle. Haven't had any issues ever. And that's with long esters so the problem would be worse if there was one. So yeah no need to keep taking an ai

You could always hit up @Type-IIx for consulting or coaching. He could give you the official answer. He's taught me so much over the past year
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