How long to run T3


New Member
Trying to get an good idea of how long to run T3 during precontest. Last year I took it and ran it for 14 weeks at one tab a day. I heard stories that if you run it too long it can shut down your natural tyroid (sp).

Once I got off I had no tyroid (sp) problems. I'm thinking of running it for 8 weeks this time around. Any replies?
what's up bro. i've read no more than 6 weeks, although i've seen people run it for almost twice as long.

i've read never more than 125mcg, although i've seen people run twice that much.

and it should be tapered up, and then slowly tapered down, although i've seen people run max on day 1 and run the same dose all the way through.

general consensus should be:

taper up, starting at 25mcg and upping it every few days. max out @ 100-125mcg, and then taper back down to 25mcg. i would not exceed 6 weeks, although i've also read that there is no documented evidence of an individual permanently losing thyroid function by running T3 for too long.

good luck in contest. crew.
What I've done...

Bigkarch said:
I would say 8 weeks is ok, but I am not an endocronologist. I have done it for twice that amount with no sides. The best way to find out is do it and get a thyroid test one month after your last dosage. If you take this, you are accepting the possible sides, which could be permanent.

1/2 tab for 1 week
1 tab (1/2 twice daily) for 1 week
1.5 tab (1/2 3 times a day) for 1 week
2 tabs (1 tab twice a day) for 4 weeks
1.5 tab (see above) for 1 week
1 tab (see above) fro 1 week
1/2 tab for 1 week

8 weeks ramping up and down...easy on your system.