How to calculate number of vials needed

Sir Fartsalot

New Member
So I have noticed a lot of first timers have troubles guessing how many vials they need per cycle, so I figured i'd post a simple formula for everybody to use.
If you notice any mistakes or anything of the sort, please be sure to let me know so I can correct it.

Vials needed= ((mg per week intended)X(Weeks planned for your cycle))/mg per vial

After I get the answer for vials needed, I normally add one more in case of incidentals like breaking the vial or such.
EDIT: If somebody could help me format it, it'd be greatly appreciated as well.
I thought this was straight forward? If your chosen compound is 250mg/ml and the vials are 10ml each and your intended cycle is 500mg/wk, then 2ml (1ml x 2) multiplied by the number of weeks for your cycle is required. If 12 weeks, then 24ml are needed (2ml x 12 weeks) - this equals 2.4 vials @ 10ml per vial..or 3 since its better to have extra. This is basic math for goodness sakes.
I wasn't asking for advice on how to do it, I just figured I'd help any newbs with the question since I see the question posted a lot on boards
We aren't bashing you. Just saying if they can't figure that out how the hell are they gonna be smart enough to know what the aas do to the body
We aren't bashing you. Just saying if they can't figure that out how the hell are they gonna be smart enough to know what the aas do to the body
That's very true, however some people struggle with math; for example I have a buddy that always hits me up to ask me how many vials he needs for his cycle lol even though he knows his shit and has done several cycles before
That's the main reason I posted this besides the fact I remember seeing it a lot in other boards, not so much this one.
That's very true, however some people struggle with math; for example I have a buddy that always hits me up to ask me how many vials he needs for his cycle lol even though he knows his shit and has done several cycles before
That's the main reason I posted this besides the fact I remember seeing it a lot in other boards, not so much this one.

Maybe he's just lonely..:p