How to find out if allergic to EO?

Hi all. I've got a couple small brews under my belt but am still somewhat a newbie.
I know that some people are allergic to Ethyl Oleate. I am considering using it in my new batch for thinning but am concerned I may be allergic. How would I find out first? Would it be safe to pin a small amount of EO so I know if I have an allergy to it? If it is safe would like 20 units or so in a slin pin be safe to try?
How I found out was I injected into a delt, and when I woke up the next day my shoulder was deformed.

It's not necessary for any brew I ever did.
Gotcha. Thanks for the feedback bro. Do you know if it would be okay to inject a small amount of straight EO? I jus don't wanna use it in my gear until I know I'm not allergic. I may not use it at all on the brews I'm about to do but want to go with a higher concentration of NPP on my cycle after this one and I believe EO would help
Gotcha. Thanks for the feedback bro. Do you know if it would be okay to inject a small amount of straight EO? I jus don't wanna use it in my gear until I know I'm not allergic. I may not use it at all on the brews I'm about to do but want to go with a higher concentration of NPP on my cycle after this one and I believe EO would help
Filtered and sterile.