How to prevent muscle loss doing post-surgery recovery


New Member
I am looking to get rotator cuff surgery in January 2024 and trying to plan for the long stretch of time (up to 6 months) when I won't be able to lift heavy. I've made some nice gains this past year and would love to keep as much of it as I can, even if I'm not going to be very active. I am 48M, 185 lbs, around 13% bf. I am currently on a TRT dose of 180 mg/week of Test C, and also pin tirzepatide (I'm Type 2 diabetic), Melanotan II, and GHK-Cu.

I am planning to increase my Test C to 250 mg/week during the recovery time, and add in:
- 2 iu GH (I want to keep this fairly low due to my T2D)
- BPC-157 at 500 mcg/day and TB500 at 5 mg/week

Anything to be changed to the above? Would any other compounds like Primo make sense to add to prevent muscle wasting? I've never done anything besides Test at this point.
I had left pectoral tendon reattachment on august 15th of this year and debridement of the wound two weeks later due to staph infection and don't let what I'm about to tell you get you down, but you're going to lose quite a bit of mass in whatever side you're having surgery on. It will mainly be in you bicep, tricep, and a little bit in your pec. The good news is that it comes back come quick. I have taken 25 mg anavar the entire time because it is one AAS that is shown to help restore bone and tendon health. I also stayed on my TRT dose of 200 mg, but have since gone up because I am running a blast that is focusing mainly on lower body while upper body heals. 100 mg of deca is part of my TRT protocol for joint pain relief, so I that was in there. 2-3 IU of GH, 1 mg BPC-157 daily, and 5 mg of TB-500 split into 3 shots per week. I have been healing up great. A lot of the mass I loss in my left side is already back. I have not been in any pain at all. Primo is a solid option for sure. I ran 75 mg of tren hex per week, but not a drop more. my bloodwork has been solid the entire time at that dose.

Like the guy said above, get moving as soon as possible and eat to heal. Don't be scared to put on a little bit of weight, because you'll lose it. Follow your doctor's orders, but work on whatever other parts of the body he says is allowable and focus on those areas. Don't stop training.
I had left pectoral tendon reattachment on august 15th of this year and debridement of the wound two weeks later due to staph infection and don't let what I'm about to tell you get you down, but you're going to lose quite a bit of mass in whatever side you're having surgery on. It will mainly be in you bicep, tricep, and a little bit in your pec. The good news is that it comes back come quick. I have taken 25 mg anavar the entire time because it is one AAS that is shown to help restore bone and tendon health. I also stayed on my TRT dose of 200 mg, but have since gone up because I am running a blast that is focusing mainly on lower body while upper body heals. 100 mg of deca is part of my TRT protocol for joint pain relief, so I that was in there. 2-3 IU of GH, 1 mg BPC-157 daily, and 5 mg of TB-500 split into 3 shots per week. I have been healing up great. A lot of the mass I loss in my left side is already back. I have not been in any pain at all. Primo is a solid option for sure. I ran 75 mg of tren hex per week, but not a drop more. my bloodwork has been solid the entire time at that dose.

Like the guy said above, get moving as soon as possible and eat to heal. Don't be scared to put on a little bit of weight, because you'll lose it. Follow your doctor's orders, but work on whatever other parts of the body he says is allowable and focus on those areas. Don't stop training.
This is awesome advice. I sincerely appreciate it!
I had left pectoral tendon reattachment on august 15th of this year and debridement of the wound two weeks later due to staph infection and don't let what I'm about to tell you get you down, but you're going to lose quite a bit of mass in whatever side you're having surgery on. It will mainly be in you bicep, tricep, and a little bit in your pec. The good news is that it comes back come quick. I have taken 25 mg anavar the entire time because it is one AAS that is shown to help restore bone and tendon health. I also stayed on my TRT dose of 200 mg, but have since gone up because I am running a blast that is focusing mainly on lower body while upper body heals. 100 mg of deca is part of my TRT protocol for joint pain relief, so I that was in there. 2-3 IU of GH, 1 mg BPC-157 daily, and 5 mg of TB-500 split into 3 shots per week. I have been healing up great. A lot of the mass I loss in my left side is already back. I have not been in any pain at all. Primo is a solid option for sure. I ran 75 mg of tren hex per week, but not a drop more. my bloodwork has been solid the entire time at that dose.

Like the guy said above, get moving as soon as possible and eat to heal. Don't be scared to put on a little bit of weight, because you'll lose it. Follow your doctor's orders, but work on whatever other parts of the body he says is allowable and focus on those areas. Don't stop training.
Did you run the tren post surgery whilst in recovery?
Did you run the tren post surgery whilst in recovery?
Yes, I did. But like I said above, It was verified, lab tested tren hex, not ace or enanthate. Hex has a slow and very easy release in my experience and doesn't negatively impact my bloodwork when used for daily long periods, so it wasn't a bad choice for myself. It was a very moderate dosages as well. Tren dosages can be extremely inflated and I don't feel there is need for this.
Yes, I did. But like I said above, It was verified, lab tested tren hex, not ace or enanthate. Hex has a slow and very easy release in my experience and doesn't negatively impact my bloodwork when used for daily long periods, so it wasn't a bad choice for myself. It was a very moderate dosages as well. Tren dosages can be extremely inflated and I don't feel there is need for this.
Do you feel it had a positive effect on your recovery or keeping muscle or trying to lean out? If there's a positive effect of taking it? BTW I've run it a few times high and low and felt better on low end dosages 150 ish.
Do you feel it had a positive effect on your recovery or keeping muscle or trying to lean out? If there's a positive effect of taking it? BTW I've run it a few times high and low and felt better on low end dosages 150 ish.
I took it as part of my recovery protocol to assist in muscle preservation. I was also using it in building some muscle, because I was--and still am-- focusing on strengthening and enhancing the physique of my lower body. Hex is the shit, man. I don't think there's anything special about it in particular as far as the effects of other tren esters go, but it does seem to be smoother to me in its release. 150 is the absolute max I can go with it. I start getting night sweats bad with anything higher than that. To answer your question, I 100% feel like it had a positive effect. The only reason I dropped it is because I was having some weird dream stuff going where I was acting out my dreams and I was trying to eliminate the causes.


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