Hypotension with Nebivolol/Telmisartan


New Member
I always ran Telmisartan in the past at 80mg, even when cruising. Kept BP at a solid 120/80 while cruising, but allowed BP to rise to an average of 150-60/90-100 at the tail end of my previous blast phase when surpassing 1G total load (750/350 Test/Var per week).

Been running about 550/420 Test/Mast for the past 6 weeks, and have added in GH for the first time and have slowly titrated up to 3IU as of now. I added 5mg nebivolol and dropped the Telmisartan to 40mg when beginning this blast phase. Stopped checking my BP (stupidly) after a couple weeks of being at a solid 120/80 or so, but the last three days have been hovering around 80-90/50. Diastolic hasn't really budged much. Sodium intake is high, in my current heavy caloric deficit. Definitely been feeling more out of it than usual, BP seems to be the culprit.

For those that have more experience with these ancillaries, will dropping to 2.5mg/day of nebivolol be adequate to bring BP back up into range, and how long will this change take to occur? Or is it a better idea to remove nebivolol completely, and reintroduce at 2.5mg/day if BP creeps higher than wanted?
yes drop your dose right now. how are you feeling right now? Low bp can be deadly if it gets too low. jesus bro you gotta be checking it when you start a new med.. Just remember that next time.
If you experience dizziness at all i would consider going to the doc.. when did you take your last dose of bp meds?
yes drop your dose right now. how are you feeling right now?
Last dose was 8am this morning. I chalked down the tiredness to adjusting to the GH, but shouldn't have let checking my BP slip my mind for so long. Nothing too worrisome, but I will definitely be ceasing nebivolol until it becomes necessary again, and will reintroduce at a lesser dose...
Last dose was 8am this morning. I chalked down the tiredness to adjusting to the GH, but shouldn't have let checking my BP slip my mind for so long. Nothing too worrisome, but I will definitely be ceasing nebivolol until it becomes necessary again, and will reintroduce at a lesser dose...
yeah you should be ok but good thing you checked it shit. any reason why you lowered the tele and added the neb?
yeah you should be ok but good thing you checked it shit. any reason why you lowered the tele and added the neb?
I just always struggled with higher BP and raised RHR on cycle, and was expecting that to be even worse with GH in the picture. Also after checking for 2 weeks, I figured it reached its full effect and got lazy. Also nebivolol’s supposed ability to reduce negative cardiac hypertrophy intrigued me, especially when adding GH
I just always struggled with higher BP and raised RHR on cycle, and was expecting that to be even worse with GH in the picture. Also after checking for 2 weeks, I figured it reached its full effect and got lazy. Also nebivolol’s supposed ability to reduce negative cardiac hypertrophy intrigued me, especially when adding GH
yeah cardiomegly is something that i believe can become an issue when using gh , slin, igf-1, as well as testosterone a lot of guys dont know but testosterone in high doses cause heart growth and prostate grow. tren on the other hand is selective, it doesnt seem to affect heart, prostate as much. But in my opinon i think it would take a lot of abuse or a genetic predisposition to cardiomegly to experience any problems. I had a ultrasound of my heart an echocardiogram and my heart is only slightly enlarged. doc said its normal but recomended i lose weight, i was 250 someting at the time he said that being heavy combined with anabolics and gh and alll the other growth factors is what will cause it to become sevre. but that is an interesting thing im going to look into that sinve i have mild cardiomegly right now
yeah cardiomegly is something that i believe can become an issue when using gh , slin, igf-1, as well as testosterone a lot of guys dont know but testosterone in high doses cause heart growth and prostate grow. tren on the other hand is selective, it doesnt seem to affect heart, prostate as much. But in my opinon i think it would take a lot of abuse or a genetic predisposition to cardiomegly to experience any problems. I had a ultrasound of my heart and echocardiogram and my heart is only slightly enlarged. doc said its normal but recomended i lose weight, i was 250 someting at the time he said that being heavy combined with anabolics and gh and alll the other growth factors is what will cause it to become sevre. but that is an interesting thing im going to look into that sinve i have mild cardiomegly right now
I’m still quite fresh to my enhanced journey, and actually just had an echo/stress test as well a couple months ago due to having PVC’s my whole life. All was good on my end, and obviously no growth yet. I do at-least have all measurements of my heart for a good comparison down the line. And higher doses+usage of other growth factors will be utilized in the near future, so I figured to take prevention precautions asap.

And there are some studies showing Nebivolol not only preventing negative cardiac modeling, but actually inducing positive remodeling over long periods. Probably 10+ years, don’t quote me on that. But I’m almost positive I read some interesting studies showing statistically relevant partial reversal of LVH.
I’m still quite fresh to my enhanced journey, and actually just had an echo/stress test as well a couple months ago due to having PVC’s my whole life. All was good on my end, and obviously no growth yet. I do at-least have all measurements of my heart for a good comparison down the line. And higher doses+usage of other growth factors will be utilized in the near future, so I figured to take prevention precautions asap.

And there are some studies showing Nebivolol not only preventing negative cardiac modeling, but actually inducing positive remodeling over long periods. Probably 10+ years, don’t quote me on that. But I’m almost positive I read some interesting studies showing statistically relevant partial reversal of LVH.
oh well welcome to the dark side haha but it looks like you are very smart and aware of whats going on in your body when you take gear. youd be surprised how many guys have no god damn clue about cardiomegly or anything like that or even watch their bp. but im glad you mentioned that it has possitive effects on the heart i will be researching this because that it something i wouldnt mind adding to my stack of supps and health shit!
Why are you in these drugs to begin with? For this cycle?
The nebivolol was probably an overkill.

Do you know how you decide whether you have hypertension?

Need to take it multiple times a day at rest over multiple days.

It sounds like you didnt need to be on it to begin with. If your HR drops too low and pass out it could be game over for you.
Why are you in these drugs to begin with? For this cycle?
The nebivolol was probably an overkill.

Do you know how you decide whether you have hypertension?

Need to take it multiple times a day at rest over multiple days.

It sounds like you didnt need to be on it to begin with. If your HR drops too low and pass out it could be game over for you.
Started off at about 130/85 at cruise before starting the cycle. Switching from 80 Telmisartan to 40 Telmisartan 5mg Nebivolol brought me to 110-120/70-80 in 2 weeks and I seemingly leveled out there. After not checking for a couple weeks I dropped to what I claimed earlier, which is why I made this post
Could be wise to cut out the Nebivolol, it has a half-life of ~12hrs so skipping a dose for a day or two could show if you even need it or not. Could also be wise to invest in a different BP monitor. What one are you using and where did you buy it?

Also, it's always wise to use 2 different types/brands. Personally, I use a cuff to take my initial reading (yes, I take 2 readings per device), then ~2mins later I use a wrist cuff. I average the 4 out afterwards. Overkill? Possibly, but it gives me peace of mind.

This also gives me a safeguard if one is showing some insane reading -/+.
Could be wise to cut out the Nebivolol, it has a half-life of ~12hrs so skipping a dose for a day or two could show if you even need it or not. Could also be wise to invest in a different BP monitor. What one are you using and where did you buy it?

Also, it's always wise to use 2 different types/brands. Personally, I use a cuff to take my initial reading (yes, I take 2 readings per device), then ~2mins later I use a wrist cuff. I average the 4 out afterwards. Overkill? Possibly, but it gives me peace of mind.

This also gives me a safeguard if one is showing some insane reading -/+.
I forgot the exact name of the unit, but I got it off the list of verified recommended units on the American medical association’s website, and it’s verified accurate for 2 years. I always take 2-3 readings to be sure I didn’t get a misread.

And I’ll be skipping on the Nebivolol the next two or so days and monitoring bp every few hours