I apologize


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I want to apologize for not being on here and continuing my workout/cycle log. My STBX and i started having a lot of trouble which disrupted my training overall (workouts and food) and then I filed for divorce (finished in about 30 days or so). So anyways, I'm back! But Idk when i will start a cycle again, i just gave up on that one since my training and eating were such shit. I'm one of those when i get upset I can't eat. I'm training again and trying to eat but wont start another cycle until this one is completely out of my system and my head is screwed on right again. I'll be here to particpate tho! Thanks for listening.
Sorry for your problems empress. Keep your head up and keep doing your thing. You're a very hot young lady so I imagine you'll have no trouble finding a good man, if and when you want one! Good luck
Divorce sucks. The hardest part is getting up the nerve to file. I haven't got that far yet.
Good to see you back and I'm sure I can speak for most, but we are here to support eachother so you are in a good place and we are here for ya! xo

Best thing you can do for your well being is focus on you and not the negativity of things. It will all pass. Take care of you! xo
And Gbro--yeah it does suck, but get your ducks in a row first and then just do it because life is short. you'll turn around and be 50 or 60 years old and then what? If you are unhappy just do for you.
Sorry you have been going through some rough times. As GG said we are here to support each other.

Your plan is solid. Cycling can wait until you get everything else moving back in the right direction. Too many people try to use AAS as a crutch to solve their problems rather than as a training aid. Good for you seeing that and making the right choices.

Easy on the "you will turn around and be 50 and then what" talk though! A few of us are about 99% of the way turned around and our plans are to kick ass when we get there.
Don't apologize. Sorry for what your going thru. Me and my wife almost divorced a few years ago but I decided to work on it. I know during that time I felt like utter shit. Couldn't eat, always tired, couldn't sleep. Everything was a struggle. The normal feeling will slowly comeback. It's all about you now. So have fun with it.
Apologies aren't necessary, you're taking care of number 1 and i applaud you for that.

Pretty impressed that you have your head on straight and are taking the high road after what must be a very rough ordeal.

i wish you the absolute best, stay strong!
I totally love that, Wendylifts! And this one LOVED to spend my money so yeah, the cost of the divorce saved me LOTS of money in the long run! This divorce was actually cheap as hell compared to the last one so i count my lucky stars!
An old NCO when I was going through my divorce: "Sir, if I had killed her when I first thought about it, I'd be out of jail by now!"

All kidding aside, don't waste another second of your life staying in a shitty marriage just get it done. It'll suck. It'll cost you money, but you will be much better in the end.

Hardest thing I ever did. But life gets better. I met BlueDress later and life became beyond awesome. Your life will be much better too.

Good luck and keep your chin up!