I can't cycle anymore without my sex drive going COMPLETELY to shit every time


Everytime I get away from TRT my sex drive goes to absolute shit. I've tried test + primo, dbol, nandrolone, supra physiological test... it doesn't seem to matter. I start cycling, my sex drive goes away, my ejaculation loses its force and I'm fucking miserable. Then I go back to TRT which is 80-100mg e3.5d + .25mg adex + 500iu HCG and I'm back to normal within 3-4 weeks. Feel great, great sex drive, ejaculate returns in full force. I don't know if it's bc I'm older 41 or what. Anyone go thru this and find a fix? I'd really like to do a nice bulker on more than 200mg of test, but I just hate being "off" for nearly the whole cycle plus the month it takes to get right again on TRT. It's not just sex drive it's mood bc when I'm hornier I'm happy it's just like being flat is the best way to describe it. If this sounds like you and you've found a fix pls let me know. My guess is that my SHBG gets crushed when I cycle and turns me off. The only fix I can think of is taking tamoxifen all cycle to boost it but I don't want to do that really.
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How’s your blood panel look on cycle??
Remove nandrolone (deca) than if nothing changes remove Dianabol .. consider adding Cialis .. I’m 43 and it’s not the same as I was a few years back ..
How’s your blood panel look on cycle??
Remove nandrolone (deca) than if nothing changes remove Dianabol .. consider adding Cialis .. I’m 43 and it’s not the same as I was a few years back ..

The last time I took it on cycle was when I was running primo and test at 250 and 500. My total test was 3200 or so IIRC and my E2 was 25. On TRT my total T is 1000-1500 depending on the T dose and E2 is 20-35 and I feel great. When I was on the primo test I was off a bit but not as bad as when I've been on others. When I was in my 20s I could use Deca without a problem.
The last time I took it on cycle was when I was running primo and test at 250 and 500. My total test was 3200 or so IIRC and my E2 was 25. On TRT my total T is 1000-1500 depending on the T dose and E2 is 20-35 and I feel great. When I was on the primo test I was off a bit but not as bad as when I've been on others. When I was in my 20s I could use Deca without a problem.
That’s a bad ratio on cycle … estrogen is good for you at higher levels if you’re test is high as well. That’s why you feel like garbage and sex drive is down.

Test at 3200 …. E2 should be 60-80 I would say at least
I had to rework my current cycle to get rid of unpleasant side effects - including ED.

I dropped Deca from 600 mgs a week to 200 mgs a week and added caber and Masteron. That was the magic bullet.

Currently I’m running -

1 gram test cyp a week
200 mgs Deca a week
400 mgs Masteron a week
50 mgs Anadrol per day
3 IU’s growth per day
15 IU’s 70/30 insulin a day

+ ancillaries

I went from Deca dick to a sex drive that is so strong and persistent that it has been distracting me from my work and and my duties around the house. I’ll be done with Anadrol in 5 days so hopefully that will settle it down just a little bit.

Thank God my wife has a tremendous natural sex drive (I do too, but nothing like this) because I have a healthy outlet for this over abundance of sexual energy. If we can’t fuck in the morning, I can’t focus on my day. And even when we do, all I think about is getting back to bed that evening so we can go again. It’s a blessing and a curse.

Your E2 sounds OK, but we all respond differently to these compounds we are experimenting with. A few months ago I absolutely CRUSHED my sex drive with liquid Anastrozole because I was unknowingly taking too much. My joints were howling, as well. Be super careful with your AI and titrate them down until you notice that you need them. Then use just enough to solve the issue. I currently take 10mgs Nolvadex twice a week and that is more than enough to handle any negative sides. That’s a very small dose and it works exceedingly well for me. Anastrozole is REALLY FUCKING STRONG shit and people do not give it the respect it demands.

Caber at .25 mcgs twice a week is AMAZING. Your sense of health and well being is incredible on caber and your refractory period is almost zero. You can fuck, cum, and in no time at all be rock hard again and go right back to it. Caber is INCREDIBLE. I’m 52 years old and I wasn’t able to fuck like I can now when I was 22. Hell, I definitely did not know how to please a woman back then anyway. Now that I am perceptive, attentive, and aim to please above all else, 2+ hours of rolling orgasms for her is a normal standard. She’s on cloud 9 and I’m incredibly happy bringing her into her subspace and then leaving her absolutely drained, like a wet cloth that has been wrung out repeatedly in the best way possible. Then with an exhausted smile she snuggles into my aftercare and drifts off to sleep on an absolute dopamine high.

We’ve been together for almost 25 years and we know what makes each other tick for sure, but that combo of test, Masteron and caber brings out the attentive dom in me like nothing else. Along with an unbelievably good sense of health and well being.

It’s not the twisted up into a pretzel, almost rapey, sexual deviant-like sex drive that tren can bring on. It’s much more desirable than that. It’s truly a better quality of life for me and for my wife. I’ll lower my doses off cycle for my cruise, of course, but I don’t know if I want to live my life without feeling this good anymore.

I’ll trade a lifespan shortened by 10 years to living those extra 10 as an old, crippled, in tremendous, constant pain senior citizen. I’ve seen enough of that to know that’s not how I want to finish my time on this earth.
That’s a bad ratio on cycle … estrogen is good for you at higher levels if you’re test is high as well. That’s why you feel like garbage and sex drive is down.

Test at 3200 …. E2 should be 60-80 I would say at least
That’s a good point. I do feel good with my E2 elevated a bit on cycle.
i forgot to say. is high prolactin involved here, cuz that surely kills the dingus. maybe you just need bloodwork that's all

i ALSO forgot to say that primo kills my dick personally. And many other have experienced it aswell. There's a thread about it on here, try finding that

My advice. avoid primo, possibly keep hcg on cycle and use cabergolin if you are running nandrolones
I've had similar issues and I am in my mid 30s. TRT seems to work wonders for my drive, mood, but as you mentioned being able to shoot just magically disappeared from 25 and I haven't been able to get it back... Went from Peter North to Peter South (haha...ugh...)

Anyway, when I cycled before I got that raging h*rnyness and even questioned my sexuality since everything turned me on, but the last I think 5-7 years cycling usually kills my drive sooner rather than later, occassional woop woop, but 90% issues.

I've checked my Prolactin, SHBG etc etc and the range hasn't mattered for me, just sensitivity, but not ability.

I think for some like us, it has a deeper hormonal meaning than the standard within range talk. Meaning for some being in range is not enough, you need to be optimal which for you can be a whole different story compared to normal.
Some here has commented before and which I sadly gotta live by as well - "You pay a price for this life, forget it while on and return when off".

Just to give you a very very odd correlation with tmi... I lost my shooting ability long ago, but I went to Barcelona for 5 days with a friend a few years back. We drank A LOT of alcohol everyday and I still forced myself to run every morning. From nowhere I shot no joke better than the fake c*m on pron movies, and several times at that, each day, and it stayed 2 weeks after the holiday. I have been trying to replicate everything I did that holiday and it has never ever worked in the slightest again. Something did something, but I cannot and will not figure out what it was... Meaning the body as strange as F...

However, Deca and Tren seems to be a gamble for most in regards to mental stability and drive. Also from what I've head, can linger long long after you've stopped and values are back again.
Deca gives many men a floppy dick. Red flag number one.

How’s your prolactin looking? Red flag number two if l it’s high. Try some P5P each day and see if it helps, otherwise you may need caber.

300mg/week of Tren has turned me into a crazed sex maniac. I’m having sex 10+ times per day. I’m having fantasies about my wife, other white women, vehicles, etc. Right now I’m really into dragons fucking cars.
I had to rework my current cycle to get rid of unpleasant side effects - including ED.

I dropped Deca from 600 mgs a week to 200 mgs a week and added caber and Masteron. That was the magic bullet.

Currently I’m running -

1 gram test cyp a week
200 mgs Deca a week
400 mgs Masteron a week
50 mgs Anadrol per day
3 IU’s growth per day
15 IU’s 70/30 insulin a day

+ ancillaries

I went from Deca dick to a sex drive that is so strong and persistent that it has been distracting me from my work and and my duties around the house. I’ll be done with Anadrol in 5 days so hopefully that will settle it down just a little bit.

Thank God my wife has a tremendous natural sex drive (I do too, but nothing like this) because I have a healthy outlet for this over abundance of sexual energy. If we can’t fuck in the morning, I can’t focus on my day. And even when we do, all I think about is getting back to bed that evening so we can go again. It’s a blessing and a curse.

Your E2 sounds OK, but we all respond differently to these compounds we are experimenting with. A few months ago I absolutely CRUSHED my sex drive with liquid Anastrozole because I was unknowingly taking too much. My joints were howling, as well. Be super careful with your AI and titrate them down until you notice that you need them. Then use just enough to solve the issue. I currently take 10mgs Nolvadex twice a week and that is more than enough to handle any negative sides. That’s a very small dose and it works exceedingly well for me. Anastrozole is REALLY FUCKING STRONG shit and people do not give it the respect it demands.

Caber at .25 mcgs twice a week is AMAZING. Your sense of health and well being is incredible on caber and your refractory period is almost zero. You can fuck, cum, and in no time at all be rock hard again and go right back to it. Caber is INCREDIBLE. I’m 52 years old and I wasn’t able to fuck like I can now when I was 22. Hell, I definitely did not know how to please a woman back then anyway. Now that I am perceptive, attentive, and aim to please above all else, 2+ hours of rolling orgasms for her is a normal standard. She’s on cloud 9 and I’m incredibly happy bringing her into her subspace and then leaving her absolutely drained, like a wet cloth that has been wrung out repeatedly in the best way possible. Then with an exhausted smile she snuggles into my aftercare and drifts off to sleep on an absolute dopamine high.

We’ve been together for almost 25 years and we know what makes each other tick for sure, but that combo of test, Masteron and caber brings out the attentive dom in me like nothing else. Along with an unbelievably good sense of health and well being.

It’s not the twisted up into a pretzel, almost rapey, sexual deviant-like sex drive that tren can bring on. It’s much more desirable than that. It’s truly a better quality of life for me and for my wife. I’ll lower my doses off cycle for my cruise, of course, but I don’t know if I want to live my life without feeling this good anymore.

I’ll trade a lifespan shortened by 10 years to living those extra 10 as an old, crippled, in tremendous, constant pain senior citizen. I’ve seen enough of that to know that’s not how I want to finish my time on this earth.
I used to have zero refractory period when young, naturally. It was great for the rolling orgasms. Looks like I should try some caber with my tren. Good thing I got it on hand.
Learn how to use it, what brands work for you and what dosage X does and for how long while on a blast. Might want to drop the Adex for awhile and see if it helps.

Messing with the HPA axis is much more then just testosterone. Cortisol, estrogen, progesterone and many of the neurosteroid's contribute to libido or effect downstream pathways that eventually contribute to libido.

Many guys on TRT will lose their libido if they don't address the Testosterone/Estrogen ratio. This is where I would start
Hopes this helps