Importance of injection frequency? Specifically masteron prop


New Member
can I get away with pinning masteron prop EOD instead of ED? It’s just an inconvenience to do it that often and I don’t want to use an excess of supplies. How much better would it be for me to inject ED?
Can you get away with it? Sure 100mg EOD would be about the minimum I’d personally go. Though my personal preference and experience I pin my tren and mast ED at 100mg, less sides for me and a much much harder look. Everyone is different so what works for me may not be the same for you. Though in my opinion, based on my past use of mast p. The look you’ll get pinning it ED will be profoundly different than pinning it EOD.

What else are taking with it? How’s your BF%?
The nitrogen retention of the compounds last a bit longer than the active duration does. There are a few studies that show orals and prop esters keep nitrogen retention elevated for at least a few days after the last dose. Prop is around 5 days in the study I saw (hypercaloric of course and adequate protein). So you shouldn't see much impact on growth as long as dose is equated across the week.
I would pin daily, it’s made sides so much more manageable and mentally just feel the best. Test and e2 levels stay more stable as well. I just take a shower post workout and then pin, or after showering on rest day in morning. makes it easy to remember