In PCT, about 4weeks go by, Blood test result is here.


New Member
(26y / tested 2 days ago)

I'd like to ask you all about whether I just stop the PCT(and start a new cycle) or keep PCT going as I planned before (I planned the PCT which lasts for 45days). Because I heard somewhere that tamoxifen and clomid are toxic to the liver, so I'm thinking of quitting PCT.

The previous cycle was about 18 weeks, I used sust, Tren E, and var.
I injected Hcg during the cycle and post cycle(before PCT).
And after 3weeks from my last injection, I have taken tamoxifen 20mg/day and clomid 100mg/day so far.

Is it ok to quit the PCT and start a new cycle right away? I'm planning to use sust, deca, and Tren E for next cycle.
Lipids, liver function etc?

Give yourself a break if you are just using recreational. If you have bodybuilding aspirations u should cruise
View attachment 173927
(26y / tested 2 days ago)

I'd like to ask you all about whether I just stop the PCT(and start a new cycle) or keep PCT going as I planned before (I planned the PCT which lasts for 45days). Because I heard somewhere that tamoxifen and clomid are toxic to the liver, so I'm thinking of quitting PCT.

The previous cycle was about 18 weeks, I used sust, Tren E, and var.
I injected Hcg during the cycle and post cycle(before PCT).
And after 3weeks from my last injection, I have taken tamoxifen 20mg/day and clomid 100mg/day so far.

Is it ok to quit the PCT and start a new cycle right away? I'm planning to use sust, deca, and Tren E for next cycle.

Wait. You are just finishing your pct and you want to immediately jump on another cycle? That's the dumbest and unhealthiest thing you can do. Just blast and cruise if you want to be on a perma cycle lol. You'll dye a year or two later.
Lipid, Cholesterol, BUN, CBC, Creatinine, and Minerals are all normal.
However liver Enzymes(AST and ALT) shows little bit higher value than the normal range.

Well, How long do you rest(I mean, exogenous steroids-free) after PCT before starting the next cycle?
Lipids, liver function etc?

Give yourself a break if you are just using recreational. If you have bodybuilding aspirations u should cruise
This is a very subjective debate and it depends on your own personal standards for health. I'd say one 18 week cycle per year is more then enough and would not do more then that.
Thank you for the reply.

Honestly, It was my first cycle, so I do not have any sense about when to start a new cycle after the PCT.

I'll have to take a break and think about it.
Thank you for the reply.

Honestly, It was my first cycle, so I do not have any sense about when to start a new cycle after the PCT.

I'll have to take a break and think about it.

Yes, smart man. Also, you did a very heavy first cycle and you recovered excellent, even though you used tren. Now, in the future, if you want to keep your balls functioning, don't use 19nor's anymore.
You have gotten some good advice and made a nice recovery so far.
Just keep in mind that your PCT drugs are giving you elevated numbers and are not a clear indication of what where you’ll be at once off them. Once they have fully cleared your system for a while you’ll have a more clear idea of your recovery.

Ps. Were you on caber during your cycle? Prolactin # has me wondering
Wait. You are just finishing your pct and you want to immediately jump on another cycle? That's the dumbest and unhealthiest thing you can do. Just blast and cruise if you want to be on a perma cycle lol. You'll dye a year or two later.
you just need atleast 5 days off between cycles, so you can say you arent on a permablast(sarcasm)
You have gotten some good advice and made a nice recovery so far.
Just keep in mind that your PCT drugs are giving you elevated numbers and are not a clear indication of what where you’ll be at once off them. Once they have fully cleared your system for a while you’ll have a more clear idea of your recovery.

Ps. Were you on caber during your cycle? Prolactin # has me wondering
In the first and second weeks of the PCT period, I took 0.5 mg of cabergoline every 3 days. 2mg total. I was also surprised at how powerful it was.

Anyway, then do you recommend testing again after the half-life of PCT drugs is over?
In the first and second weeks of the PCT period, I took 0.5 mg of cabergoline every 3 days. 2mg total. I was also surprised at how powerful it was.

Anyway, then do you recommend testing again after the half-life of PCT drugs is over?

I would think, since you have just had bloods done, might as well wait a while a see where you stabilize. Maybe even a few weeks.
How long have you been on your PCT anyway?
My last injection was on August 26th.
And waited a while for the anabolic steroids to go out from my body(about 3 weeks, taking into the account the half-life of sustanon).

I started taking SERMs on September 17th.
It's been about a month since I started pct.
My last injection was on August 26th.
And waited a while for the anabolic steroids to go out from my body(about 3 weeks, taking into the account the half-life of sustanon).

I started taking SERMs on September 17th.
It's been about a month since I started pct.
Month did the trick for yah. 4 weeks is a pretty standard protocol too.
If you do get bloods again in a bit maybe throw them up here