Indian pharma vs Chinese ugl hcg


New Member
I’m torn between ordering hcg from Chinese ugl sources or Indian pharma sources.

I know there were some tests from jano a while back showing that Indian pharma brands were mostly(all?) severely under dosed, but haven’t seen any recent tests.
Chinese ugl seems to be showing good test results from QSC etc, but prices are about double compared to what Indian pharma brands.

Any feedback or suggestions on which way to go?
Shoot up and grab your balls 2 weeks down the road. Are they bigger? Win! Are they same size or smaller? Bust!
I’ve yet to use hcg… my balls never got small enough where I felt the need.. if they did maybe I would.

Besides using hcg for getting your nuggets back to normal size and using it if you are trying to get your girl pregnant, is there any other benefit to it ?

I know it makes some guys e2 control harder but haven’t heard of any other bad side effects.

Anyone notice better gains/recovery or anything to that extent with hcg?
I’ve yet to use hcg… my balls never got small enough where I felt the need.. if they did maybe I would.

Besides using hcg for getting your nuggets back to normal size and using it if you are trying to get your girl pregnant, is there any other benefit to it ?

I know it makes some guys e2 control harder but haven’t heard of any other bad side effects.

Anyone notice better gains/recovery or anything to that extent with hcg?
Leydig cells atrophy is not visible in most cases. You should use HCG anyway to prevent permanent damage. just Google "Testicular calcification".
And as you maintain at least some production of your own Test and spermatogenesis - the recovery is faster and easier.
Leydig cells atrophy is not visible in most cases. You should use HCG anyway to prevent permanent damage. just Google "Testicular calcification".
And as you maintain at least some production of your own Test and spermatogenesis - the recovery is faster and easier.
And sometimes you can lower your test dose because the hcg kick starts your natural production so therefore you have both natural and synthetic test at the same time?
And sometimes you can lower your test dose because the hcg kick starts your natural production so therefore you have both natural and synthetic test at the same time?
yes, that's right, but I wouldn't as the testicles production is just a fraction of injected test amount, so it just doesn't make sense during the cycle :)
But what you must take into account is Intratesticular conversion of test to Estrogen, that's more difficult to control with AI, so you probably will need to adjust AI dose to lower conversion of injected test that will be compensated by intatesticular conversion. But it depends on the individual :)
Indian Pharma HCG has tested shocking. Like around 800iu for 5000iu vials. It’s all garbage. Never assume “pharma” is always quality.

Chinese generics I’ve tested have come back on point.
Leydig cells atrophy is not visible in most cases. You should use HCG anyway to prevent permanent damage. just Google "Testicular calcification".
And as you maintain at least some production of your own Test and spermatogenesis - the recovery is faster and easier.
Googled Testicular calcification. Can't find anything related to anabolic steroids.