Injectable dbol vs oral dbol questions


Hey guys, got a few questions about injectable dbol and oral dbol.
First question, can injectable dbol be taken less frequently than oral? I heard it’s best to take dbol split into 3 times per day.
Question 2, will injectable dbol avoid the stomach issues that orals give?
Question 3, does the injectable dbol actually have any better result then the oral?

Thanks bros!
1) depends on dose and strength(mg). The metabolic and bioavailability benefits injecting orals is short lived. There is some evidence that IM d-bol initially bypasses the liver versus oral roa, thus reduced toxicity but as I said it’s short lived and eventually catches up since kidneys and the liver work together to remove toxic waste substances from the body.
2) I never experience digestive issues with oral dbol. But everyone is different!
3) Ive used both forms and in my experience I found no difference in results/gains. I will say that in first few weeks of each I noticed more water retention with injectable than with oral
Slightly less toxic depending on if guaiacol is used for suspension. Skips first pass of the liver, so in theory a lower dose will yield a better result. Personally don’t like dbol because I will grow some serious mommy milkers On it in like 3 weeks lol
Hey guys, got a few questions about injectable dbol and oral dbol.
First question, can injectable dbol be taken less frequently than oral? I heard it’s best to take dbol split into 3 times per day.
Question 2, will injectable dbol avoid the stomach issues that orals give?
Question 3, does the injectable dbol actually have any better result then the oral?

Thanks bros!
Injectable dbol is just saving your liver a beating. Just pin it the same dosage and frequency as you would pop an oral. Really up to you.
If you're taking 50mg e.d. orally you can take it 2 times a day at 25mg each dose or you can take it all at once. Same with pinning it.
My advice. Don't even use dbol. I hate it
Hey guys, got a few questions about injectable dbol and oral dbol.
First question, can injectable dbol be taken less frequently than oral? I heard it’s best to take dbol split into 3 times per day.
Question 2, will injectable dbol avoid the stomach issues that orals give?
Question 3, does the injectable dbol actually have any better result then the oral?
1. I think the latest wisdom is that splitting orals up throughout the day is only really beneficial on oral-only cycles. Regardless, take injectable dbol every day.
2. Oral dbol doesn't bother my stomach, so I can't speak to that. Anadrol upsets my stomach and I've noticed it's not as bad with injectable - which could just be in my head.
3. The results aren't better with injectables. The result is the same but you may find it takes less of the drug to get the results. You might get away with 25mg injectable instead of 40mg oral.
People still use dbol?
Injectable dbol is just saving your liver a beating. Just pin it the same dosage and frequency as you would pop an oral. Really up to you.
If you're taking 50mg e.d. orally you can take it 2 times a day at 25mg each dose or you can take it all at once. Same with pinning it.
My advice. Don't even use dbol. I hate it
Is dbol really that bad? I know it can give you some mad puffy nips but you can pop some nolva right? I want to stack with test and nandrolone, better off just using var or anadrol or something? Or another bulking oral? Suggestions?
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Is dbol really that bad? I know it can give you some mad puffy nips but you can pop some nolva right? I want to stack with test and nandrolone, better off just using var or something? Or another bulking oral? Suggestions?
Try it and find out. It's cheap.
Grab some anadrol too so you can try it out if the dbol doesn't agree with you.
Keep your diet clean, train your ass off, keep an eye on your fat nipples and you'll have a good cycle.
Is dbol really that bad? I know it can give you some mad puffy nips but you can pop some nolva right? I want to stack with test and nandrolone, better off just using var or anadrol or something? Or another bulking oral? Suggestions?
Dbol is fine. It just has a shitkoad of side effects. Water retention, high blood pressure, gyno. I can’t emphasize the gyno enough. Methylestradiol is very metabolism resistant with a half life of 17 days. Frontload nolvadex and up the ai… which is more drugs just to take a drug. Anavar is simple, just take it. My opinion.
Try it and find out. It's cheap.
Grab some anadrol too so you can try it out if the dbol doesn't agree with you.
Keep your diet clean, train your ass off, keep an eye on your fat nipples and you'll have a good cycle.
Dbol is fine. It just has a shitkoad of side effects. Water retention, high blood pressure, gyno. I can’t emphasize the gyno enough. Methylestradiol is very metabolism resistant with a half life of 17 days. Frontload nolvadex and up the ai… which is more drugs just to take a drug. Anavar is simple, just take it. My opinion.
Might aswell just go with anadrol then.. feels like less sides and more gains from what iv researched mg for mg