Injectable Superdrol...with what?


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So I am really keen on trying injectable superdrol here on my next cycle. I decided to scrap the MENT/Mast P/DHB cycle idea. I am going back to my trusty Test/NPP/Mast P (and maybe some DHB, too, sometimes). I did really like DHB--PIP was noticeable but really not that bad at 100 mg/mL when mix into the barrel with a 1-2 mL of other substances.

Regardless, I'm wondering what would be best to try injectable superdrol with? I was thinking of my next run being Test/NPP/Mast P, which I've run a couple times now and love it. I am comfortable with all three of those substances, so the only new thing/unknown would be the injectable superdrol. However, superdrol is a C17-alkylated version of Masteron, would it make sense to run Masteron alongside it? Or should I skip the mast while running the super?

I realize adding the methyl group changes the action of the drug drastically, so it's not like I'd be running two Masterons. Also from what I've read, the injectable superdrol gives more of an acute effect, it seems popular to take it like 1-2 hours pre-workout and you'll be hitting PRs and pumped as fuck.

Regardless, I am planning on running ~8mg of injectable superdrol an hour or two preworkout, only on workout days. I'd give myself a rest on non-lifting days. My goal is to bulk. I have been steadily losing weight for a few months now, I'm down to about 10% body fat and I want to bulk back up.

I'm curious what others, especially those who have run it before, think of this?
I haven’t run injectable superdrol, but I just came off of a test/mast/sdrol cycle and it turned out really well. It was my first run with both mast and sdrol, I ran mast for 6 weeks and sdrol for the last 2, and I’m certain they’re not “overlapping” compounds. The only benefit I noted from mast was the increased well-being/mood, BUT I also feel like mast took away that “savage” feeling when lifting. Adding the sdrol in kinda gave me some of that feeling back but it also put on like 5 lbs of water weight over the first week.

Unfortunately I can’t speak much about strength gains with sdrol, or even aesthetics because by the time I started taking it, I was on my final week of my peak the first week and the second week I was on sdrol was a deload. I’d be interested to get my hands on some injectable sdrol and run it for 4 weeks
Unfortunately I can’t speak much about strength gains with sdrol, or even aesthetics because by the time I started taking it, I was on my final week of my peak the first week and the second week I was on sdrol was a deload. I’d be interested to get my hands on some injectable sdrol and run it for 4 weeks

How much did you take it and curious to know if you checked your liver values after the course?
I haven’t run injectable superdrol, but I just came off of a test/mast/sdrol cycle and it turned out really well. It was my first run with both mast and sdrol, I ran mast for 6 weeks and sdrol for the last 2, and I’m certain they’re not “overlapping” compounds. The only benefit I noted from mast was the increased well-being/mood, BUT I also feel like mast took away that “savage” feeling when lifting. Adding the sdrol in kinda gave me some of that feeling back but it also put on like 5 lbs of water weight over the first week.

Unfortunately I can’t speak much about strength gains with sdrol, or even aesthetics because by the time I started taking it, I was on my final week of my peak the first week and the second week I was on sdrol was a deload. I’d be interested to get my hands on some injectable sdrol and run it for 4 weeks
Odd because SuperDrol is supposed to give dry gains similar to Tren
How much did you take it and curious to know if you checked your liver values after the course?
650 test, 350 mast, 10 mg sdrol (daily). I did not check liver values, but I felt like the mast affected my appetite, which for me is usually a sign of elevated liver values.
Odd because SuperDrol is supposed to give dry gains similar to Tren
I only ran 10 mg/day for 2 weeks, and I REALLY only trained for one week because the second week was a deload. So I think I just had poor timing with it more than the fact it did or didn’t work.
Injectable superdrol? You get a pass.
I just ordered a vial of inj superdrol, as i liked it.

Will be using it for sure. 8 mg a week too, was not really that harsh. Anadrol oral is rough at 150 mg.

This was ok i hit until 16 mg a day.

Only thing was lethargy at 20 mg a day.

I ran it 2 weeks on and 2 werk of rotating with tren. Tren you feel much more at 400 mg.

I am running low dose npp, low dose eq, and will add a low dose superdrol inj. To get the small benefits of each.
And what would you expect to see. It's one of the more toxic aas available with gains that last all of a week or two.
I think you’re the first person I’ve ever seen report that sdrol gains are temporary. Not saying you’re wrong, but certainly not what I expected to see. Do you care to elaborate?
with gains that last all of a week or two.
I Haven't seen this claim before. Why would the gains be more temporary than any other anabolic? If your living a life style and lifting and eating to keep your gains, why would sdrol gains go away any more than other anabolics??
I Haven't seen this claim before. Why would the gains be more temporary than any other anabolic? If your living a life style and lifting and eating to keep your gains, why would sdrol gains go away any more than other anabolics??
I don’t expect him to actually respond to either of us, he likes to troll and run, he’s done that to me several times. I try to be cordial with him to see if he ever had anything useful to say, but so far I’ve never seen a worthwhile response out of him on any topics on this entire forum.
Haven't seen this claim before. Why would the gains be more temporary than any other anabolic
Nothing lasts forever but dbol anadrol and superdol hardly seem worth the effort. It has been my experience that gains don't last as long as injectables like test and deca.

I'm not going to discourage you more than I have, let me know how it goes. Tell me all about the gains and how long you kept them.
I am running low dose npp, low dose eq, and will add a low dose superdrol inj. To get the small benefits of each.
Thanks for sharing bro. Can you specify your dosages? "low dose" means different things to different people. I'm just curious. Also I assume you have test in there as well?
Thanks for sharing bro. Can you specify your dosages? "low dose" means different things to different people. I'm just curious. Also I assume you have test in there as well?
Right now 200 mg of each, debating whether to cut trt dose in half. I guess i will,

But as of now 200 mg test c, 200 mg npp, 200 mg eq.

Pinning 30 mg ed of each.
I think you’re the first person I’ve ever seen report that sdrol gains are temporary. Not saying you’re wrong, but certainly not what I expected to see. Do you care to elaborate?

I'm not the guy you're asking, but most of the size you're putting on with superdrol is just water and glycogen retention, thus it's temporary. Of course you will build more muscle with sdrol than without sdrol, but you can't run it that long due to its toxicity, so how much muscle can you really build with it?
I'm not the guy you're asking, but most of the size you're putting on with superdrol is just water and glycogen retention, thus it's temporary. Of course you will build more muscle with sdrol than without sdrol, but you can't run it that long due to its toxicity, so how much muscle can you really build with it?
If you don’t care about size and are only worried about strength increases, then fleeting size gains are trivial anyways.

The consideration of glycogen and water retention as a form of “gains” shows the difference in user experience with AAS. Anyone that has a decent level of knowledge about AAS will realize these aren’t actual size increases and will be looking to add really lean mass with sdrol. Though I don’t wholly disagree with your statement, I guess it comes down to mindset and understanding.
Personally I'd stay away from something like superdrol in the offseason. Too harsh for your body. Yeah it surely gives you a nice boost to your lifts but using it for bulking? I wouldn't do it. But to each their own I guess.
Orals in general I would keep at minimum in the offseason.
Moreover, if you're already running like three different compounds what's the point of adding one more drug to the mix, a toxic one to be more specific.
For what extra benefit? And not to sound offensive or anything and I am probably wrong as well but does anyone here believe that is going to be like the game changer in this scenario for ultimate superhuman never seen before gains? My apologies for this, today's rant is over lol.
Odd because SuperDrol is supposed to give dry gains similar to Tren

Who told you that? SD is very "carb hungry", it's easy to feel like you are going hypo on it if you don't eat enough. Not exactly sure why though ... It's a really really potent nutrient partitioner, the strongest aas (probably only second to tren) in that regard. So in line with all of this, although not sure if the nutrient partioning is the most meaningful signifier here in regards to glycogen accrual but it does go to show, how effective is SD. In any case you get a fuck tone of glycogen with SD and I do mean a fuck tone. If I remember correctly, I gained like 10 pounds of water weight on it. Was in a dirty bulk, but in a matter of a week my weight went from 91kg to 96 ... I remember, one day I was late for a date, and I had to practically run the whole way to get there in order to not be late more then 10m ... I could not run like a normal human being for the life of me. Probably looked more like a penguin human hybrid. I'm saying the pumps on it are insane, at least for me.