So I am really keen on trying injectable superdrol here on my next cycle. I decided to scrap the MENT/Mast P/DHB cycle idea. I am going back to my trusty Test/NPP/Mast P (and maybe some DHB, too, sometimes). I did really like DHB--PIP was noticeable but really not that bad at 100 mg/mL when mix into the barrel with a 1-2 mL of other substances.
Regardless, I'm wondering what would be best to try injectable superdrol with? I was thinking of my next run being Test/NPP/Mast P, which I've run a couple times now and love it. I am comfortable with all three of those substances, so the only new thing/unknown would be the injectable superdrol. However, superdrol is a C17-alkylated version of Masteron, would it make sense to run Masteron alongside it? Or should I skip the mast while running the super?
I realize adding the methyl group changes the action of the drug drastically, so it's not like I'd be running two Masterons. Also from what I've read, the injectable superdrol gives more of an acute effect, it seems popular to take it like 1-2 hours pre-workout and you'll be hitting PRs and pumped as fuck.
Regardless, I am planning on running ~8mg of injectable superdrol an hour or two preworkout, only on workout days. I'd give myself a rest on non-lifting days. My goal is to bulk. I have been steadily losing weight for a few months now, I'm down to about 10% body fat and I want to bulk back up.
I'm curious what others, especially those who have run it before, think of this?
Regardless, I'm wondering what would be best to try injectable superdrol with? I was thinking of my next run being Test/NPP/Mast P, which I've run a couple times now and love it. I am comfortable with all three of those substances, so the only new thing/unknown would be the injectable superdrol. However, superdrol is a C17-alkylated version of Masteron, would it make sense to run Masteron alongside it? Or should I skip the mast while running the super?
I realize adding the methyl group changes the action of the drug drastically, so it's not like I'd be running two Masterons. Also from what I've read, the injectable superdrol gives more of an acute effect, it seems popular to take it like 1-2 hours pre-workout and you'll be hitting PRs and pumped as fuck.
Regardless, I am planning on running ~8mg of injectable superdrol an hour or two preworkout, only on workout days. I'd give myself a rest on non-lifting days. My goal is to bulk. I have been steadily losing weight for a few months now, I'm down to about 10% body fat and I want to bulk back up.
I'm curious what others, especially those who have run it before, think of this?