int travel: repurpose pharma vials?


New Member
How would you run a two week International trip ?

if you’re prescribed TRT test , with legit label from the pharmacy, but it’s 200mg/ml test cyp, could you top up those vials with UGL 250mg/ml for travel purposes ? In USA , we get a separate vial for every prescribed injection. So if my Rx Is 150 mgs per week split into two shots they’ll dispense two vials per week even tho each vial is 200mgs bcos they’re “one time use only“. So if im cycling I can still bring at least 400/week worth but not sure if international customs r cool w this stuff cuz they maybe “we need you to bring only enough for ur trip“.

or better bet would be to travel with a 10ml vial rather than singles.

and for primo , if you’re running it in a cycle, and it’s got a 10 day half life, would you front load two weeks worth of primo the day you leave ? Or just squirt some primo into your test vials That have the rx on it ? Obviously the risk is that the contents are tested but aside from that ? My preference would be to front load two weeks worth , So if you’re running 500/wk normally split into two shots then do a full gram of primo right before the trip. what do you think ?

where test is RX (controlled) and primo isn’t legal
I would look at the potential penalties in the mystery destination before deciding, refilling your prescription vials would probably go un-detected the theoretical risk would be them doing an ionscan after rubbing the top of the vials. personally i'm very risk adverse i'd just use test alone for the duration of the holiday.
I would look at the potential penalties in the mystery destination before deciding, refilling your prescription vials would probably go un-detected the theoretical risk would be them doing an ionscan after rubbing the top of the vials. personally i'm very risk adverse i'd just use test alone for the duration of the holiday.

thank you. Would these ion scans actually tell different compounds or just “there are two compounds instead of one “ triggering a need to do a more thorough exam ?

what are your thoughts about loading a higher concentration of test into the vial ? Should be good to go as long as the amount of liquid matches the label , right ? and the carrier oil is somewhat similar in appearance

any thoughts on front loading primo for the trip ? If I’m doing 500 /week ; daily injections , would it make sense , given its 10d half life , to just pin a full gram before leaving ?

destination wise it’s the EU, various countries. Not Spain ; unfort , as I’d love to get pharma primo lol (if it’s still available there ). Not sure what penalties are like for this but prob not as harsh as in the States, altho I don’t want to risk it either.
AS are not on the list of standard narcotics the Ionscan machines detect and when I searched https://www.smiths the word "steroids" was not found on their site. Theoretically they could be added as a software upgrade, imho the concentration shouldn't be an issue they would probably assume any change is a manufacturing error.
Fill your vials and bring your prescription with you. They’ll only glance at the prescription. This is nothing. Don’t overthink it. People carry Xanax and pain meds with them and the prescription gets them through with no hassles at all. Nobody is going to test it.
How would you run a two week International trip ?

if you’re prescribed TRT test , with legit label from the pharmacy, but it’s 200mg/ml test cyp, could you top up those vials with UGL 250mg/ml for travel purposes ? In USA , we get a separate vial for every prescribed injection. So if my Rx Is 150 mgs per week split into two shots they’ll dispense two vials per week even tho each vial is 200mgs bcos they’re “one time use only“. So if im cycling I can still bring at least 400/week worth but not sure if international customs r cool w this stuff cuz they maybe “we need you to bring only enough for ur trip“.

or better bet would be to travel with a 10ml vial rather than singles.

and for primo , if you’re running it in a cycle, and it’s got a 10 day half life, would you front load two weeks worth of primo the day you leave ? Or just squirt some primo into your test vials That have the rx on it ? Obviously the risk is that the contents are tested but aside from that ? My preference would be to front load two weeks worth , So if you’re running 500/wk normally split into two shots then do a full gram of primo right before the trip. what do you think ?


Take a double dose on departure day
I would look at the potential penalties in the mystery destination before deciding, refilling your prescription vials would probably go un-detected the theoretical risk would be them doing an ionscan after rubbing the top of the vials. personally i'm very risk adverse i'd just use test alone for the duration of the holiday.
Lol this. Also if you have transfer flights through a gulf country eg UAE, Qatar, they screen people who are transferring flights for contraband. I would just frontload if you have a long ester and you’re not gone too long
Golden rule is, if your gonna do drugs stay home. Why even risk having your shit pulled and tested? Just do some test u prior or take a 2 week break as mentioned. Always weigh the risk to reward.

Last time I went thru customs those fuckers took one look at me and got all excited. They searched everything! Yep I was even wearing a tank top lol.
I feel this is a personal judgment call
On one had, as long as you're carrying a prescription with a small amount for personal use you should be fine.
But on the other hand, why risk your vacation and legal trouble in another country.