Introduction and some questions


New Member
Hi I am 41 year old guy from Finland and I am glad I found this forum as it has a lot of useful information I need.

I am not into bodybuilding but rather biohacking, fitness and endurance. People estimate that I am 34 years old and I am looking for anti-aging methods to extend that as long as possible.

As there seems to knowledgeable people here, I would like to ask about TRT alternatives. Here are my recent lab results totally clean without taking anything.

Testo: 15,0 nmol/l (Range: 8.1 - 32.2)
LH: 3,9 (Range: 1-9)
SHBG: 50 nmol/l (Range: 18-54)
Free testosterone: 197 pmol/l (Range: 220 - 800)

My testosterone is normal but because of high SHBG free testosterone is under range. And free testosterone is what counts for overall well-being.

I have seen a doctor and he suggests normal TRT treatment with Nebido shots. However I am thinking of alternative way with

Hcg ~ 1000 iu / week
Proviron 50 mg / daily

As Proviron lowers SHBG this would increase free testosterone to normal level. What do you think of this approach using Hcg and Proviron and no testosterone at all. But these I would have to obtain from black market.

I am also thinking adding Genotropin 1.8 IU / day simply for anti-aging and fitness.

Should I try this route or just the official legal route?

I have now been scammed twice in a row trying to order these products. If someone could PM me trusted source where I can get Hcg, Proviron and Genotropin from one place that is sent within Europe, I would be grateful.
Most benefit for anti-aging you would probably get from HGH. But that would not address your lower than reference range free testosterone. Proviron is a great drug, especially since you are planning on using to lower SHBG. It also has some good effects for libido. Personally I only use Proviron on blasts and rarely when other hepatoxic orals are on a break. But have lately been limiting the use as those of us with the gene for male pattern baldness, it seems to cause quite a bit of shedding (even more than Winstrol in my experience).

You might also be interested in trying the alternative route to HCG, use of SERMs which supposedly might also increase serum testosterone levels (The Role of Estrogen Modulators in Male Hypogonadism and Infertility). Popping a pill is often easier than injecting.

Nebido is probably one of the best TRT options, as it has a very long half life thus requiring least amount of injections (which might be bit of a time sink if the doctor will not allow you to do it yourself). But depending the doctor, they might use the lowest dose with longest injection interval which would definetly put you above the reference range but towards the end of the injection cycle, you might start to feel symptoms of low serum T again. In theory, there is nothing preventing you from doing the legal and illegal route at the same time as long as you are aware of when the blood tests will be done (as they will adjust your dosage based on those).

Liberty Labs ships from Europe at great prices, though I don't think they have HGH yet. Qingdao Sigma Chemical operates from China but they have reshipping from inside EU, thus potentially avoiding the customs and import fees. Their thread on the underground section seems to be the most active/longest, and they have lab results posted regularly to prove the products' quality.
Thanks for great info! Yes I could run all Nebido, Hcg, Proviron, HGH at the same time but on the other hand I prefer simplest gear for decent results. I tried weekly Test-E shots (around 100-150mg/week) but after a while didn't notice much benefit.

I think I will try the Hcg & proviron combo for one month and see what lab test values are (is one month enough?) . Then add legal prescribed Nebido. It's good to have the legal option available if I am no longer able to order from black market. I asked doctor about adding Hcg to TRT so that testicle production remains but he said that EU has banned it!?

Side note: The reason I want Hcg is that it makes my penis "bigger" or fuller. It doesn't of course make it bigger beyond natural limits but it feels like it maximises it's natural size.
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