

I'm already a silent reader here for a few months and finally took the step to join the community. I really got a very good impression of the community. There are strange comments and jokes sometimes but nothing wrong with having a good time, the quality of informations doesn't really suffer from it. The advice is always on point and you get a honest answer. Of course i'm not only here for advice and also want to help other people with my experience/knowledge and also will share source reviews sometime soon(already had experiences with two sources here but i wanna build up some credibility before i leave a review - and more will definitely follow in the future after that)

I don't have a lot of practical experience with PED's yet but i already did a lot of research over a long period of time. My interest on PED's started in a big european weightlifting forum which also has a AAS space. I sometimes lurked a bit there even though at that time i had no intention of ever using something like this, it still was very interesting for me. With the time i always spent more time there and i really got sucked into it.

I already tried to have a perfect lifestyle for building as much muscle as possible before even thinking about gear. Meal + protein timing, no processed and good food(every meal is cooked and prepared by myself), working out extremely hard, good workout routine, supplementation, regeneration(especially a lot of good quality sleep) etc. And a while ago i decided to live the full bodybuilding lifestyle by also adding PED's.

Trying to do it as healthy as possible. Already started monitoring my blood pressure, resting heart rate(continuous tracking with a fitness tracker) and blood glucose before i started blasting and of course i do it pretty much daily now. Get the most important blood values checked regularly, did a pretty expensive big blood test before i started and got my test, e2 and blood cell counts checked some time after i went on.(e2 after i already started with an ai, so i know the exe dosage to keep my e2 in range now on the current dosage of aromatizing compounds)

To finalize that long ass introduction a few infos to me:
Male, 22 years old and from europe

Hope that i can be a good part of the community :)
Welcome, sounds like you got the basics down first. You're on the younger side of using PEDs, however it's the long term risks the user should be aware of before starting. Hopefully you're aware of the risks of AAS, pretty sure you probably are.

Anyways, lots of guys from the USA and Canada, not sure how many are from your area. But it doesn't matter, jump right into the threads or feel free to start your own.
Welcome, sounds like you got the basics down first. You're on the younger side of using PEDs, however it's the long term risks the user should be aware of before starting. Hopefully you're aware of the risks of AAS, pretty sure you probably are.
I'm definitely aware of them. Btw i didn't start before the age of 22, just to clarify that. And i already accepted that my natural test production may never come back to normal when i stay on it for a longer period of time, like i'm sure i will do.

In the near future i also want to get my prostate checked(a real check, only got psa checked with a blood test), my heart checked by a cardiologist(only monitor resting heart rate, blood lipids and blood pressure right now, which also is a good cardio vascular health indicator for now) and will continue to monitor the most important blood values regularly. But i guess that i had good values to start with. My HDL was almost 90, triglycerides 46, cholesterine nice within reference range etc. Blood pressure was 110/60 before i started, and is at 115, 60 now.. (it first increased a bit more but instantly got it down again by adding 5mg cialis ed - also nice to have for the other benefits like pump and relieve of the prostate(low dose cialis is also used a a treatment for prostate enlargement))

Anyways, lots of guys from the USA and Canada, not sure how many are from your area. But it doesn't matter, jump right into the threads or feel free to start your own.
True i think but the amount of people from europe is still definitely ok i think. At least there are some good sources and enough reviews. For other things it doesn't matter where everyone is located