

New Member

I'm in my mid 20s and currently studying electrical engineering. It's an exciting field, and I'm really enjoying diving into all the technical aspects. It can be challenging at times, but I find it incredibly rewarding.

When it comes to fitness, I've been on quite a journey. I've been strength training for almost a year now, but I've actually been lifting on and off since I was 18. It's been a rollercoaster, but I've learned the importance of consistency and pushing myself to new limits. It's amazing how much progress you can make when you stay committed.

One thing that's made a huge difference for me is testosterone replacement therapy. I've been on it for about a year now, and even at a relatively low dose of 200mg/wk, my strength has skyrocketed. I went from struggling with a 225lb 1RM to confidently repping 315lb on the bench press. My all-time goal has always been 405lb for reps. Nevertheless, it's been an incredible transformation, and I'm so grateful for the positive impact it's had on my fitness journey.

I decided to join this forum for many reasons. Most importantly, I’ve come here to seek wisdom. You see, knowledge is nothing more than familiarity gained through experience. For example, I’m knowledgeable with respect to higher level maths and physics, but that alone doesn’t imply that I have a good sense of judgement. I still need to be guided, hence I am a student.

After hitting a plateau this year, and not being able to surpass 315lb on the bench press, I began studying The Quest for a Stronger Overhead Press by Bill Starr. Since then, I’ve incorporated the strict OH press, dips, deadlifts, high-pulls, cleans, and shrugs to strengthen my posterior chain. I must admit, my Olympic lifts are still very novice. Although I have the strength capacity to advance, I prefer to focus on execution/form.

I mainly expect to get advice about PEDs out of this forum. Some of the drugs I would like to utilize in the future are HGH (serostim), MK677, IGF1-LR3, Anavar, Anadrol, Deca, or Tren. I also want to experiment with high doses of testosterone (2,000+mg).

6’0, 200lb, 26 y/o

Bench: 325lb Squat: 450lb Deadlift (conventional): 500lb