Is Clen the best option for myself?


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here but not to hitting the gym. Been at it for about a year and a half now and picked up a ton about training, eating right, and how metabolism works.

So far, it's been great seeing my muscles and strength grow, which makes me happy. But here's the thing - my metabolism is sluggish, and shedding that last bit of belly fat seems impossible. Tried low-cal diets, but ended up losing muscle mass, so had to ditch that plan.

Now, I'm considering other options. My aim? To get lean. Not into crazy steroids that bulk up muscles insanely fast. Just want something to help me get ripped without losing the muscle I've worked hard for.

Considering Clen or semaglutide. Any thoughts? Appreciate any advice!
Impossible to get "ripped" under 10% BF without losing some muscle (maybe unless you're on a shit ton of gear).

Maybe provide some info on your diet, stats, etc. so people can help you.

How does your thyroid bloodwork look? Metabolisms aren't "sluggish" unless you have a hypothyroid issue.
Whenever this comes up it should be obvious. Your diet is the problem. Clen is there to help but it comes with blood pressure issues, etc.

Food sucks but it is the foundation
Impossible to get "ripped" under 10% BF without losing some muscle (maybe unless you're on a shit ton of gear).

Maybe provide some info on your diet, stats, etc. so people can help you.

How does your thyroid bloodwork look? Metabolisms aren't "sluggish" unless you have a hypothyroid issue.
I’m 5’10 ft and weigh 175 lb. I’m around 16% BF. My metabolism is very slow, I build muscle relatively easily and always been a strong bulky guy (not fat or chubby) but always had this belly fat that just won’t go away.

This is what my diet looks like right now:

Morning: 6eggs whites+2whole eggs+10 almonds+one toast with half avocado and 60g of tuna can on water. 1000g LCarnitine.

Lunch: 150g vegetables (broccoli/brussel sprouts/ spinach…) + 180g of chicken/turkey/beef + 40g of cooked brown rice.

Preworkout: 5g creatine.

Afterworkout: 25g whey protein shake. 150g of cottage cheese + a slide of pineapple.

Dinner: 150g vegetables + 40g of quinoa + 180g of blue fish (tuna/salmom) or 240g of white fish or 200g of chicken/turkey/beef

Hope this helps, thank you for the quick replies.
Hey everyone, I'm new here but not to hitting the gym. Been at it for about a year and a half now and picked up a ton about training, eating right, and how metabolism works.

So far, it's been great seeing my muscles and strength grow, which makes me happy. But here's the thing - my metabolism is sluggish, and shedding that last bit of belly fat seems impossible. Tried low-cal diets, but ended up losing muscle mass, so had to ditch that plan.

Now, I'm considering other options. My aim? To get lean. Not into crazy steroids that bulk up muscles insanely fast. Just want something to help me get ripped without losing the muscle I've worked hard for.

Considering Clen or semaglutide. Any thoughts? Appreciate any advice!
What about T3 if you truly believe your metabolism is slow
I'm sorry but 5 11 175 seems like you might have body dysmorphia. Unless you throw in a pic this isn't a bad weight to height for most... and at 175 with no major goal or competition clen is not the answer
I'm sorry but 5 11 175 seems like you might have body dysmorphia. Unless you throw in a pic this isn't a bad weight to height for most... and at 175 with no major goal or competition clen is not the answer
I am not trying to compete. I want a body like the one dude on the picture with the water mark. My long term goal is to get there and stronger little by little naturally with the right diet.

However, my short term goal is to get between 9 to 11% BF so I can come out of a caloric deficit diet, and start a diet that will allow me to maintain my physic while getting stronger little by little as I just mentioned. Here you can see some pictures of myself, that line around my waist is the fat I’m trying to lose.

My idea was to take clen for fat lose while giving my muscles a little boost. My idea was to take it for 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, 4 on, 4 off, 4 on, and that’s it.

All I want is that little boost to be able to change my diet and start working out toward my long term goal naturally.

I’m open to hear any other recommendations.

Thanks again for your comments.


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What about T3 if you truly believe your metabolism is slow
I don’t like the idea of messing with my hormones… maybe I’m “uneducated” about it, but I feel the side effects can be ugly. I know my natural levels of Test and DHT are high from a blood work I did, and I wouldn’t like to mess with them.

I believe both t3 and Clen can have the same complications about its cardiovascular effects, but clen doesn’t have the hormonal and mental health complications that t3 has. Plus, clen gives that extra boost to my muscles, which is a second positive outcome of taking this risky substance - t3 only has fat loss as a positive outcome.

I hope that makes sense and I’m not talking crazy. Thanks for your comment.
I don’t like the idea of messing with my hormones… maybe I’m “uneducated” about it, but I feel the side effects can be ugly. I know my natural levels of Test and DHT are high from a blood work I did, and I wouldn’t like to mess with them.

I believe both t3 and Clen can have the same complications about its cardiovascular effects, but clen doesn’t have the hormonal and mental health complications that t3 has. Plus, clen gives that extra boost to my muscles, which is a second positive outcome of taking this risky substance - t3 only has fat loss as a positive outcome.

I hope that makes sense and I’m not talking crazy. Thanks for your comment.
Get a free T3 blood test if you think your metabolism is a problem. Check
I don’t like the idea of messing with my hormones… maybe I’m “uneducated” about it, but I feel the side effects can be ugly. I know my natural levels of Test and DHT are high from a blood work I did, and I wouldn’t like to mess with them.

I believe both t3 and Clen can have the same complications about its cardiovascular effects, but clen doesn’t have the hormonal and mental health complications that t3 has. Plus, clen gives that extra boost to my muscles, which is a second positive outcome of taking this risky substance - t3 only has fat loss as a positive outcome.

I hope that makes sense and I’m not talking crazy. Thanks for your comment.
Get a free T3 blood test if you think your metabolism is a problem. Check ultalabtests.

Based on your pics, some GH in the AM could be useful for you to release the last remaining stubborn fat tissue so you can burn it with fasted LISS cardio. Same lipolysis effect as clen with less sides. Or check out albuterol. Or just go with clen.
Get a free T3 blood test if you think your metabolism is a problem. Check ultalabtests.

Based on your pics, some GH in the AM could be useful for you to release the last remaining stubborn fat tissue so you can burn it with fasted LISS cardio. Same lipolysis effect as clen with less sides. Or check out albuterol. Or just go with clen.
Thanks a lot for your comments, highly appreciated the different recommendations. I looked into Albuterol and GH, those seem by far way better options than Clen. I have seen quite a few distributors around here, but when I looked for reviews and opinions it terrified me what I’ve found. I really don’t know what to trust and I am VERY skeptical about distributors. Could you give me some guidance about this? I could also give you my email if you rather talk in private about this matter, otherwise let me know what’s best for you. Thanks again!