MESO-Rx Exclusive Is Growth Hormone Truly a Fountain of Youth?

The next article in the GH series is now up. Please feel free to use this thread to ask any questions you have on the article. Comments and suggestions are also welcomed...
Great article.

Do you know why the FDA is so scared of GH?
Is that because they fear GH widely growing (existing) cancers, or because GH actually helps aging males, thus possibly reducing demand for other inefective, but profitable meds?
What's your opinion on this?
What's your opinion on this?

Is this in reference to the very limited amount of FDA-approved use cases for GH?

If so, I just think it can be very difficult to get FDA approval for a specific use case. It must go through a minimum of three phase, which can last decades and cost millions of dollars.

Of course, there are also societal factors at play, and in the United States an argument could be made that politics (rather than science) is what led to GH being declared felonious to possess as part of the Crime Control Act of 1990.

If we look back historically at what causes this backlash against exogenous hormones, Congress tends to emotionally react to things like Ben Johnson and Mark McGwire as opposed to having the citizen's interests at heart..
The way I worded things in that post kind of misled you...but I knew we'd be on the same page once you read the article :)
I had a feeling you were doing exactly that with the post. I was waiting patiently to read it. Great stuff.

Yes sir. Exact same page.

As a newcomer to AAS that knows about litle more than test, tren and such I really enjoyed this article. Thanks for posting!

Right on, that makes me happy to hear! Let me know if there were any questions you had after reading it.

Excellent article! I agree with everything you said and my own very limited anecdotal evidence confirms what you said as well.

Thanks man, appreciate the feedback!
Right on, that makes me happy to hear! Let me know if there were any questions you had after reading it.

Thanks man, appreciate the feedback!

Good article, but stopped short of a pro/con summary.

My takeaway is, assuming I'm a good responder (deficient) then my quality of life WILL be increased with judicious use of quality GH. Length of life is a different story, other factors are bigger drivers there.

Criminal of the FDA to deny us access - would you agree?
Unfortunately, anti-aging is often, if not always, associated (wrongly in my opinion) with pursuit of immortality. From this prospective, such concept (living longer, healthier, productive life) would have a lot of enemies - from Social Security solvency (die early and die often) to Cultural Warriors (don play God) to medical industrial complex - can't make money from healthy people.
Unfortunately, anti-aging is often, if not always, associated (wrongly in my opinion) with pursuit of immortality. From this prospective, such concept (living longer, healthier, productive life) would have a lot of enemies - from Social Security solvency (die early and die often) to Cultural Warriors (don play God) to medical industrial complex - can't make money from healthy people.
I pretpr much share your opinion. It's kind of a mixed bag of results with all the research on HGH and HRT in general. It's difficult to make a final decision . I proceed with the philosophy of moderation in all of this . Like with most things.
I think a lot of the questions we see on meso can be summed up in CRs last paragraph

"The truth is that subtle improvements may be seen with regard to body composition, cognition, and overall quality of life. These effects can become more pronounced for those that have naturally lower hormone levels. However, for the vast majority of otherwise healthy individuals, improvements are going to be very subtle."
Unfortunately, anti-aging is often, if not always, associated (wrongly in my opinion) with pursuit of immortality. From this prospective, such concept (living longer, healthier, productive life) would have a lot of enemies - from Social Security solvency (die early and die often) to Cultural Warriors (don play God) to medical industrial complex - can't make money from healthy people.

Wrongly? What would you have anti aging be in that case?
I think a lot of the questions we see on meso can be summed up in CRs last paragraph

"The truth is that subtle improvements may be seen with regard to body composition, cognition, and overall quality of life. These effects can become more pronounced for those that have naturally lower hormone levels. However, for the vast majority of otherwise healthy individuals, improvements are going to be very subtle."

Yes, this sums is nicely, but let's expand on it a little. The key phrase is "naturally lower hormone levels". We, here, all know what LabCorp did:

Here is the link to the entire document: Link

This fact (ref range change) can be interpreted many different ways, but let's take it for face value - this is what world wide study found to be the norm at present time. I would accept this "fact" (that declining levels are natural evolution) only if coupled with extended study where the same test subjects registers same score of "quality of life" as the previous studies(s) where the old ref range was established. Oh wait, quality of life was not scored back then either. Yeah, quality of life is not medical diagnose.

So, from the above prospective, what constitutes "otherwise healthy individuals"? You are 25y old male, you go to a doctor and say "My life sucks, I can't achieve/maintain erection, energy level is just enough to get by throughout the day etc..." The doctor looks the Testosterone level - 270 (264-916) and say "According
group of professional associations, government agencies, and commercial entities your testosterone is fine, here is a pill to make you "feel" better about the fact you life sucks..."
Wrongly? What would you have anti aging be in that case?

Immortality simply means "live forever". If, however, instead of living forever (lets leave this crap for Zuckerberg, Page, Schmidt, Bezos and gang) one have main goal not only to keep essential hormones on optimal for the appropriate age range, but maintain balance as healthy 20 years old body would do naturally, the "miracle" of slowing down the clock will happen without been ridiculed for "pursuit of immortality".

There is nothing random in the fact that body parts are wearing off and eventually stop serving its purpose. After all, the purpose of life is... to die. This is how modern human was genetically engineered: "In our image and our likeness", if you subscribe to Zecharia Sitchin translation of ancient Sumerian tablets... Anyway...

One might look anti-aging as numbers only - hormone levels, body fat etc. For me, as I said on another occasion, it is entering this special mental state where the refusal to accept "you're getting old and there is nothing you can do about it" leads to life changing choices we make. Now the "numbers" above are are just small (albeit very important) part of the whole picture.